Clashes between Liberals and Conservatives – Washington, United Nations, Madison — Common denominator?
Clashes between Liberals and Conservatives – Washington, United Nations, Madison — Common denominator?
Dirty tactics in Washington
A group of Washington liberals apparently decided that the recent government stalemate on spending was entirely Republican Speaker Boehner’s fault, despite the fact that President Obama and his Democratic House and Senate failed to schedule and pass the budget in a timely manner last year before the November 2010 election.
Not one or two, but over 8,700 of these liberals recently committed to a Facebook campaign to dump their trash outside Speaker John Boehner’s residence today, because a government shutdown (from failure to pass the budget) would have halted trash collection in Washington. When a compromise was reached late last night on Federal budget issues, preventing the looming government shutdown, the Facebook group claimed victory, cancelled the trash-dumping while ridiculing Speaker Boehner: |
“Moments ago, a very orange Speaker of the House just announced that he caved into some of our demands. This is Victory Accomplished.”
Trash dumping is illegal. Ridicule of elected officials is unprofessional. Speaker Boehner represents the majority of Americans who voted in an election. The use of such bullying tactics in a democracy is unacceptable and uncivilized.
Dirty tactics at the United Nations
The United States State Department, headed by Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton, has recently been misrepresenting the Catholic Church’s position on a sexual orientation declaration, in a effort to win votes for this resolution:
The officials (of the U.S. State Department) purposely misled Latin American delegations into believing the Holy See (Catholic Church) had changed its position on a sexual orientation declaration that called for “sexual orientation and gender identity” to be new categories of non-discrimination in international law… The Holy See, in fact, opposed the declaration…
The US Department of State (headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) is telling Latin American delegations to the United Nations that the Vatican has changed its position on a sexual orientation declaration that was just released at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.
-Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute
The practice of such duplicity by United State officials at the United Nations is more than shocking.
Due to silence on these issues by the liberal media, few people know of United States efforts (headed by Hillary Clinton) toward the global spread of abortion rights and redefinition of marriage.
The fact that the U.S. State Department has been so emboldened now as to LIE about the Catholic Church’s position on these moral issues (in order to garner votes for this global liberal agenda), is very disturbing.
Latest dirty tactics in Madison
The latest development in Madison’s struggle between taxpayers and unions has involved the use of slander by liberals to influence Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice elections – an attempt to radicalize the composition of the Supreme Court, which will soon be making decisions on Governor Walker’s budget and collective bargaining law.
Toward this end, there was an outpouring of national union funds for defeating (and slandering ) Wisconsin’s conservative incumbent Supreme Court Justice Prosser.
Democrat ads falsely accused Prosser of injustice in the handling of a 35 year old Catholic Church sex scandal case – a double punch to conservatives and to the Catholic Church( If You’re Looking for Child Abuse, the Catholic Church is the Last Place to Look).
Despite protests by the sex scandal victim and his demands that JoAnne Kloppenburg (the liberal candidate challenging Justice Prosser) pull the slanderous advertisements, the untrue and malicious ads were not pulled. JoAnne Kloppenburg claimed that the ads were not run by her, but by a third party, and that she did not wish to deprive them of their “freedom of speech.”
Clearly a display of unethical behavior and a poor choice by a candidate who might have served on the Wisconsin Supreme Court for the next 10 years! Fortunately, as of this writing it appears that she is no longer a contender .
I have survived a nuclear firestorm of criticism and attack and smear” –Justice Prosser
History of dirty tactics in Madison
Being driven to political activism has been a real eye-opening experience for me—occurring, as it has, in Madison, WI, where I have been living for 22 years.
Reeling in disbelief at the recent below-the-belt political tactics exercised by the left, and mystified by the escalating frequency of illegal and quite frankly uncivilized behavior of previously respected elected officials and “teacher” demonstrators, I embarked on some research into liberal tactics. The name of Saul Alinksy began to surface—the author of a new disgusting form of “activism” which is in direct conflict with Judeo-Christian values and which specializes in undermining democratic rule, for use by radicals who want to force change against the will of a majority.
It was easy for me, as well as for many Americans, to steer clear of political involvement previously, under the pressures of career, child-rearing and (for me) home-schooling, particularly while practicing the forbearance we were taught as a good Christians —assuming the best possible about others; treating them as you would be treated; assuming they are doing the same to you.
Bad assumptions, as it turns out, in Madison, Wisconsin, USA in 2011.
SO bad, that I marvel at and have started blogging about the discontinuity between media reports and actual reality in the recently publicized budget struggles between Governor Walker and union leadership in Madison Wisconsin (A Word from the Silent Majority; What’s Really Happening in Wisconsin; What is REALLY going on in Wisconsin). My blogging is the product of my frustration and indignation in watching the discontinuity between reality and left-leaning “progressive” media reports.
While unions (which historically have done much good work), and the Democrats who represent them, now break laws, slander, malign, misrepresent, and conspire to stall the democratic process, and while the Madison police who support them fail to enforce the law, while the Mayor of the City of Madison assists liberals in stalling the progress of the State Legislature’s work, and while liberal judges overlook State law (also helping unions to stall impending budget legislation), the media, and much of liberal Madison, continue to applaud and idolize all these agents who are actually impeding the fair implementation of democracy (A Word from the Silent Majority; What’s Really Happening in Wisconsin; What is REALLY going on in Wisconsin).
Dirty tactics appear systematic, not isolated
The tactics being used in Madison today (unreported by most media) are shocking even to someone like me, hardly an “innocent,” who grew up in New York City, commuting to high school daily on New York City subways, and attending the State University of New York at Stony Brook in the 1960’s and 70’s, at the height of student unrest in the Vietnam protest era.
Research on these tactics led me to findings that would surprise most Americans who value Judeo-Christian ideals (that would be over 80% of us).
The apparent abandonment of political ethics and morality which we have been observing evidently is not a random, unplanned general degeneration of public standards that one might initially suspect. There are actually methods and calculated political action being implemented (primarily by liberal radicals, although occasionally conservatives have been known to lash back with similar tactics). These efforts are well organized, and have achieved much success in implementing radical agendas against the wishes of the majority in the United States.
As it turns out, these “new” radical methods stem from the radical philosophy of Saul Alinsky (author of Rules for Radicals ), and have been embraced and used quietly and surreptitiously by powerful individuals and organizations including Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, the National Education Association (NEA), and the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
Saul Alinsky (1909-1972) was an American “community organizer” and writer . Born in Chicago to an orthodox Jewish family, his plans to become an archaeologist were disrupted by the depression. Instead, he embarked on a career of political activism, organizing first for the labor movement, then in ghettos across the United States.
Saul Alinksy’s radical methods for community reorganization (does this term sound familiar? Barak Obaman’s campaign credentials included being a “community organizer” in Chicago) were practiced by Alinsky since the Great Depression, were published in 1971, and have slowly been permeating the modus operandi of the unions, and of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) which represents them, since then. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, outlining his beliefs and methods, can be distilled down to an “anything goes” or “ends justify ANY means” philosophy—a philosophy unhampered by truth, fairness or lawful behavior. A philosophy that scorns communication, compromise and the democratic process, while extolling the intentional generation of conflict toward the purpose of manipulation through fear:
Alinsky was a bluff iconoclast who concluded that electoral politics offered few solutions to the have-nots marooned in working-class slums. His approach to social justice relied on generating conflict to mobilize the dispossessed. Power flowed up, he said, and neighborhood leaders who could generate outside pressure on the system were more likely to produce effective change than the lofty lever-pullers operating on the inside.—Peter Slevin, Washington Post
In his book Rules for Radicals, Alinsky himself writes:
“What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.”
Alinsky’s influence
Alinsky’s “community reorganization” methods have been a common ideological touchstone for Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. Hillary Clinton wrote her senior honors thesis at Wellesley College on Saul Alinksky, and was offered a job by Alinsky in 1968. Following Alinsky’s death, Barak Obama was hired by Alinsky’s followers to organize black residents on the South Side of Chicago, while learning and applying Alinsky’s philosophy of street-level democracy.
Teacher’s groups like the National Education Association (NEA) used Saul Alinsky as a consultant to train their own staff, and unions like the AFL-CIO acknowledge their roots in Saul
Alinsky–inspired community organization , and list Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” on their web page under training for shop stewards .
Radical liberals who embrace Alinsky’s philosophy and tactics are well aware of the unpopularity of such tactics with 80% of (Christian) Americans, and they are not in a big rush to acknowledge, name or publicize their techniques.
What ARE Alinksy’s rules?
Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, is prefaced by an acknowledgement to Lucifer, the “very first” radical:
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history ( and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.
– Saul Alinsky
Alinsky’s rulesinclude:
- “Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear and retreat.”
- “Make the enemy live up to his/her own book of rules. You can kill them with this. They can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
- “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
- “The threat is generally more terrifying than the thing itself.”
- “In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.”
- “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.” (Use name-calling to damage your conservative opponents. Demonize them.)
- “One of the criteria for picking the target is the target’s vulnerability … the other important point in the choosing of a target is that it must be a personification, not something general and abstract.” (For example, choose a conservative to demonize aggressively for political incorrectness, while applying much more lax and forgiving standards to your own radical colleagues.)
- “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.” For instance, Democrats imply conservatives are racists or that Republicans want to kill senior citizens by limiting the growth of the Medicare system, they imply Republicans want to deny kids lunch money without offering real proof. These red-herring tactics work.
The contrast between Radical rules and traditional Judeo-Christian rules
. .. These Alinsky rules can be contrasted with the Judeo-Christian 10 Commandments, which are based on Exodus 20:2-17, and which form the springboard of the U.S. Constitution and of most conservative thinking: |
Ten Commandments | New radical liberal beliefs and tactics | |
1 | I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. | God does not exist. You shall enforce atheism publicly. Money is the overriding value, not God. |
2 | You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. | You shall not mention the name of God in public. The only exception to this is cursing, which is welcomed and admired. |
3 | Remember to keep holy the LORD’s Day. | There is no Lord’s Day. Do not honor God. Honor only ourselves. |
4 | Honor your father and your mother. | Honor the State, which will be your father and your mother and will determine what you must learn and what you must believe. |
5 | You shall not kill. | You shall kill the pre-born, the old and the infirm, as well as anyone else who becomes inconvenient. |
6 | You shall not commit adultery. | Sexual activity and promiscuity will be assumed, and public schools will teach primary school children a sex curriculum dictated by Planned Parenthood. |
7 | You shall not steal | You are encouraged to steal from people, particularly if those people have more than you have. |
8 | You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. | You shall bear false witness and lie shamelessly, as long it helps you to achieve your goals. You will slander your opponents during elections. |
9 | You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. | You are free to covet your neighbor’s wife. Marriage will also be redefined. |
10 | You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. | Not only can you covet your neighbor’s goods, you should also pass laws to facilitate taking his goods away from him. |
A new set of rules has been introduced by radicals
It is beginning to look like a new philosophy is becoming prevalent in the political arena – the strictly utilitarian Alinsky philosophy, which defies Judeo-Christian morality and despises the exercise of egalitarian democracy. It reflects a culture of selfish entitlement, by whatever means necessary to advance oneself and one’s friends. It strives to preserve the illusion that there is a community participating in the decision-making process, while in actual fact the citizens and their opinions are being squeezed out. This Alinsky philosophy has been adopted widely by numerous liberal groups, including teachers unions, the DNC, and President Obama’s community organizing friends, including ACORN.
Much evidence is accumulating that Planned Parenthood operates using these tactics too. For example, it has successfully propagandized gullible Americans into believing that killing an unborn human is a “choice” that improves a woman’s “health,” when in actual fact abortion is associated with an increased chance of death in comparison with childbirth. Even President Barack Obama uses this “progressive” jargon in reference to abortion, contrary to the beliefs of the majority in America.
Practioners of the Alinsky method welcome conflict, and use conflict to their own advantage, to circumvent the will of the majority. Their method often goes unidentified, or lurks under many titles, but is rarely identified as the Alinsky method. The method often adopts or transforms other techniques such as the “Delphi Technique,” creating spin-offs under different names.
Until we responsible conservatives recognize this new breed of liberal, and develop our own plan of action for identifying and countering these opponents who despise and violate common sense rules of morality and the foundations of a healthy democracy, much ground will be lost. While we spin our wheels, bewildered and incredulous, the Alinskiites are continuing to acquire power and to erode our freedoms.
What next?
Knowing the enemy is the principal step towards victory.
Ridicule is the radical liberal’s biggest tool. Religion (Judeo-Christian values) is their biggest target.
This is a war of values, and we must guard ourselves carefully against the new barrage of lies with which responsible conservatives are being attacked.
Once we learn not to take their attacks personally, and once we realize that our opponents have no interest in honest negotiation, we can move forward with determination and with strength, which, incidentally, leaders like John Boehner and Scott Walker are doing for us.
We must support our conservative leaders with our votes, with our confidence, with our emails, with our words, and with our pocketbooks.
Related Article, 7/27/13:
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