Slam-Dunk No-Brainer COVID Arguments: Why is More than 1/3 of America Refusing the Vaccine?
Slam-Dunk No-Brainer COVID Arguments: Why is More than 1/3 of America Refusing the Vaccine?
Background COVID Questions
Why is more than 1/3 of America refusing the COVID “vaccine?”
Why are half of health care workers in the US hesitant to get the shot?
Why have only 37.5% of nursing home staff been jabbed?
Why are Americans with Ph.D.s most reluctant to get the shot?
Apparently, people who have never expressed vaccine hesitancy before are very hesitant when it comes to the COVID shot.
WHY are so many well educated pro-vax Americans so suspicious of the COVID vaccine and of all additional COVID “protection” mechanisms mandated by the government, such as masking and social distancing?
Below are 10 Slam-Dunk Answers to these COVID Questions.
Each answer ALONE is sufficient to give a reasonable person pause in cooperating with the present governmental policies of forced vaccination, masking, and social distancing.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #1
Generated by the CDC’s own software, here is the graph of number of adverse vaccine events in the United States by year:
Summary: In 100 years, the CDC has logged over 1 million adverse vaccine reaction reports. Half of them, over half a million, occurred in 2021, and we are only in September now. The explosion in adverse reactions is due entirely to the COVID “vaccine.”
Don’t believe it?
Generate your own data selection report at the CDC: CDC VAERS Data analysis
Incidentally, in 1976, the U.S. government vaccinated 45 million people with a vaccine for the swine flu. Fifty-three people reportedly died after getting that shot. The U.S. government immediately halted the vaccination program. Authorities decided it was too risky, it wasn’t worth it.
As of July, 2021, CDC has acknowledged over 12,000 deaths related to the COVID vaccine, and still all US citizens are being coerced into taking the vaccine under threat of losing their employment.
Conclusion: The COVID “vaccines” are infinitely more dangerous that any other vaccine that has ever been offered to Americans in 100 years.
Swine flu vaccine was cancelled after 53 deaths. COVID vaccine is NOT cancelled despite over 12,000 deaths.
Note there is also evidence that VAERS UNDER-REPORTS the actual numbers by a
factor of 10 to 100.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #2
The probability of dying of COVID is negligible compared to standard general death expectancies in the US.
For example:
Reports on COVID death in different age categories vary from source to source, but According to a Washington Post article last week, COVID infections are lethal to 1 in 780 people age 40-64 (0.13 of 1%), 1 in 150 people aged 65 to 84 (0.67 of 1%), and 1 in 35 people aged 85 and over (2.8%). These probabilities of dying, all less than 1% under age 85, and only 2.8% for people aged 85 and over, are much lower than our chances of dying from other causes.
To see our probability of dying from other causes, we consult the IRS life expectancy tables (actuarial tables) . The probability of dying by age 40 is 4%, probability of dying by age 65 is 18%, and dying by age 85 is 66%.
See the table.
So the above risks of death posed by COVID are very small compared to all other factors that could terminate the life of a human being.
This data shows that the widespread fear-generating and panic-inducing control edicts used by our governments are completely unjustified.
Conclusion: Getting COVID is less dangerous for a 70 year old than just living in general. That is, you are far more likely to die from something else than from COVID.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #3
Medical experts, including a top Johnson & Johnson researcher, warned last week at an FDA hearing that “The vaccines kill more than they save.“
Over 860,000 infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists have objected to prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend alternative strategies to handle COVID. See the Great Barrington Declaration.
America’s Frontline Doctors have objected to the politicized science and biased information with which COVID-19 is being handled by our government. They propose simpler, successful alternative treatments, and protect physician independence from government overreach.
The Truth For Health Foundation warns of the dangers posed by COVID “vaccinations,” and proposes alternative COVID treatments.
Numerous Doctors and health professionals across the United States and the world warn against the dangers of COVID “vaccination” (technically gene therapy), and refuse to take the “vaccination” themselves.
FDA panel: “The vaccines kill more than they save.”
Researchers have reported in Toxicology Reports that the risk-benefit ratio of COVID vaccination, extremely conservatively, is about 5/1.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #4
The largest State in India, 3/4 the size of the United States (with a population of 241 million people), has been declared COVID-free after the government promoted preventative use of ivermectin against COVID.
Ivermectin is a medication which has been used on billions of people, whose discoverer received a Nobel Prize, and which American media try to label misleadingly as “horse medicine.” Tactics such as this alone should give us the heads up that something is amiss.
The use of antibiotics has never been forbidden in humans because antibiotics have also been used in our pets, so why should such a useful, successful, and inexpensive medication such at ivermectin be suppressed and ridiculed in the United States?
India State of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin
Ivermectin, not vaccines, is the most effective medicine for curing COVID.
Yet Ivermectin use is being ridiculed and suppressed by media and by government.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #5
Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, which has been widely used in detecting COVID-19, previously slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci by calling him a liar. He also strongly criticized Fauci’s understanding of science, while revealing that the PCR test is not suitable as a diagnostic tool, in the way it is being used for COVID-19. Before his death in August of 2019, he spoke against PCR tests being used in the manner in which they came to be used, just months after his death.
Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test
Dr. Kary Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993.
The data sheet of a PCR kit for SARS-CoV-2 even indicates specific warnings:
–>the test can suffer interference from a host of other common seasonal viruses
–>the test should not be used as a sole evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment
Conclusion: The PCR test was not meant to detect a virus, and the results are unreliable.
People without symptoms have never previously in history been counted as sick, and they are false positives.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #6
There is no noticeable uptick in US deaths that can be associated with COVID.
As COVID deaths go up, influenza, heart disease and stroke deaths go down.
This means that people who are dying in the normal course of age and other illness are now being categorized as COVID deaths, because they were tested with the above unreliable, high false-positive PCR test, and were found to be “positive” for COVID.
People who are really dying of all the normal co-morbidities, age, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases, etc., are now categorized as COVID deaths.
These are not deaths from COVID, but are deaths with an asymptomatic positive PCR test result.
See the data for yourself, from Macrotrends and United Nations population data–
Notice that from 1950 to now, the number of deaths follows a smooth curve with no pandemic spikes.
There is an uptick in deaths in recent years, but that uptick started in 2008, accelerated in 2013, and continues on a smooth line to the present 2021.
According to Senator Scott Jensen, right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000, three times as much. This constitutes a tremendous financial incentive for hospitals, which are businesses, to classify deaths and hospitalizations as COVID related.
There are reports by medical personnel of pressure from hospitals to categorize deaths as COVID deaths.
Conclusion: Reports fo COVID deaths seem to be politically exaggerated. The true number cannot be known, but there is no noticeable evidence of excess death occurring in the United States.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #7
Evidence of media and government misrepresentation of COVID data.
According to the CDC, only 6% of “COVID deaths” are deaths from COVID alone. 94% of “COVID deaths” are from additional conditions or causes of death.
The 688,000 deaths attributed to COVID over 1.75 years thus translate into 24,000 real COVID deaths per year.
The CDC estimates that an average of 36,000 people die of the flu each year over the past decade, more than the deaths attributed to COVID.
By these calculations, COVID is less deadly than the seasonal flu.
The ~600 child COVID deaths listed by the CDC for the US were all co-morbidity deaths, without a single exception.
Dr. Lee Vliet, President of the Truth For Health Foundation, who researched the child records writes: Why Are We Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19?
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #8
Inconsistencies and flip-flopping in government rules and messaging defy all medical logic and common sense.
The government seems to be almost random in it’s proclamations and edicts:
- COVID “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all. It is the first time that genetic information is being injected into millions of humans, which may remain there forever and alter the permanent chemistry of the body. This is gene therapy, and the gene being inserted is a toxic protein. The toxic protein has been shown to accumulate preferentially in very scary places like ovaries, and there have been many reports of infertility associated with this injection.
- People who are vaccinated and supposedly immune must still wear masks
- These masks have been proven to be ineffective for viruses. Even N95 masks are primarily designed to limit exposure to dust, not viruses. COVID virus can go through masks as easily as an insect can fly through a chain link fence.
- Masks do not have to be worn in a restaurant while seated at a table, but must be worn when standing up. Does the virus know when you are standing up?
- Nations such as Sweden have daily COVID deaths hitting zero, with no strict lockdowns and not even a recommendation for wearing masks.
- The US is forbidding medical treatments such as Ivermectin which have defeated COVID in other countries. The effectiveness of Ivermectin is proven and published.
- Children must be vaccinated, when children are not susceptible to COVID and have never infected anyone.
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #9
Our government has tried to impose rampant violations of our Constitutional liberties and of all previous medical protocols.
- No religious objections have been permitted.
- Never in history have people without symptoms been isolated or masked — it was the vulnerable who were protected, isolated.
- Even the favorite progressive mantra of “my body, my choice” has been violated.
How can we trust an administration with our health when they force irrational dictatorial policies on people which violate every code of ethics, moral, religious, and constitutional, that we have respected for centuries?
Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #10
Saved Most Important for Last:
The COVID vaccines were developed using cell lines obtained from aborted babies.
The fetal cell lines being used to produce some of the potential COVID-19 vaccines come primarily from two sources:
● HEK-293: A kidney cell line that was isolated from a unborn baby in 1973
● PER.C6: A retinal cell line that was isolated from an aborted baby in 1985
Cell lines are obtained from aborted babies by dissecting flesh from that baby while still alive and un- anesthetized. The torture suffered by that baby cannot be described.
HEK-293, for example, would be the cell line obtained by dissection from the 293rd baby that was attempted.
The fact that this was done in 1973 or in 1985 does not change the facts of the origin, the torture, or of the morality.
Abortion is simply evil and wrong.
It is not at all surprising that the fruits of abortion, the horrors now coming out of the vaccine agenda, are as disturbing as their source.
There are nations such as Romania who have seen through this fraudulent COVID shot program, and have discontinued COVID shots completely.
71% of the people of Romania have refused the jabs, and the government has shut down vaccination centers.
Who are these wise and courageous people?
Primarily Orthodox Christians. Between 80 and 85% of the population belongs to the Romanian Orthodox Church.
All rational people should join them.
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