Syte Reitz

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world…….

What Happens Now?

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What Happens Now?  

The question on many people’s minds, following the tumultuous and unexpected political events of recent weeks, is What Happens Now? 

Speaking for Conservatives    

I am only in a position to speak for conservatives, since any alternative mindset is alien to me at this point.
In a culture which pushes the dismemberment of our infants, alteration of human gender, and an abandonment of all modesty and justice, there is no longer any fixed ground on which a reasonable person can stand.  

We conservatives definitely feel now, that after suffering numerous years of unjust assault from the extreme left, and after an equal number of years on our part of diligent hard work, prayer and sacrifice, trying to steer our culture and our nation back in a healthier and more Godly direction, that an election has just been stolen by unscrupulous players who have been setting up the scam for decades, and who have thwarted the will of the majority of the American people. 

Note: The objections of the left, and their attempts to sue and “cancel” any mention of “stolen” election are quickly defused by the fact that the Supreme Court has just agreed to consider at least 6 cases involving 2020 Election Challenge.  
Anyone interested in the details of the fraud that has occurred can read
the Navarro Report.

From Bad to Worse

To make matters worse, all discussion of the Grand Theft of the 2020 Election has been “cancelled.” Major news networks refuse to discuss the massive election fraud on their programs, and bulldoze their fear-of-litigation policies on any guest who dares to mention election fraud.  Recently even the very conservative NewsMax network tried to demolish Mike Lindell (the “Pillow Guy”), who was “cancelled” by Twitter, and who dared to mention election fraud on NewsMax Television.    

The election was stolen, and the left is emboldened and openly proud of their accomplishment.  

Most recently, TIME magazine has published an article in which the left actually brags about a “conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes” which was orchestrated secretly to steal the election.  Of course, TIME magazine portrays the leftist conspiracy very favorably, as a clever mechanism to save America from a Trump Presidency. 
In actual fact, they have documented very accurately how the an election was stolen from the people of the United States by a group of elitist leftists who felt they knew better what was good for the nation. The ends justify the means in the world of the left.  Conspiracy (their word) to manipulate an election is portrayed as a good thing for the people whose votes were eradicated. 

Glenn Beck voices many of our frustrations with the left“This is one of the most incredibly frustrating things about the Left in America today. The Left insists there is no such thing as absolute truth, while simultaneously insisting there are certain approved truths that are undeniable.”     

Let’s Remember        

We should remind ourselves that as Americans, our political journey has been unpredictable and bumpy —  from our nation’s inception in 1776, through today. 
Righteous Americans have been determined, they have been courageous, and they have placed their trust in God while facing countless obstacles and fighting numerous battles against forces which have challenged democracy, decency, and justice.   

Today, as we face the political assaults of 2021, some of us are tempted to falter, to fear, and to despair. Confidence can waver,  courage can erode, and hope can wither.  
Some fear and even forecast apocalyptic events, forgetting that every generation has faced global challenges, that even successful wars have included defeats in battle, and that the present situation, whether quite routine in the perspective of global history, or whether in fact leading up to some climactic apocalypse, is ultimately in the hands of God.

Coincidental Reading? 

Not surprisingly, the first reading at Mass on the last Friday  of January elegantly addressed this perennial human dilemma which we frequently face when confronted with an evil against which we feel powerless.  Our young priest last Friday also gave an amazing sermon springing off this reading, which the Catholic Church assigns in a 3 year cycle of readings from the Bible during Mass.  Our priest helped put into perspective our never ending struggle and how we can face it with strength and with joy.  

The Reading:  Hebrews 10:32-39

In this reading, Hebrew Christians who were being subjected to much suffering are encouraged: 

Do not throw away your confidence. It will have a great reward.

Remember the days past when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest of suffering. At times you were publicly exposed to abuse and affliction; at other times you associated yourselves with those so treated. You even joined in the sufferings of those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, knowing that you had a better and lasting possession. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence; it will have great recompense. You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what he has promised.

For, after just a brief moment,

 he who is to come shall come;

 he shall not delay.

But my just one shall live by faith,

 and if he draws back I take no pleasure in him.

We are not among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.

What Does This Reading Say?

In this reading, the Hebrew Christians are reminded of their sufferings in the past.

Next, the remedy is outlined, which for those who are not Christian, is counter intuitive:

Associate yourselves with those who are publicly exposed to abuse and affliction.
Join in the sufferings of those in prison.
Joyfully accept the confiscation of your property. 
Know that you have a better and lasting possession. 
Do not throw away your confidence, it will have great recompense. 

Hebrews 10 also includes a promise, quoting the Psalms: 

For, after just a brief moment,
he who is to come shall come; he shall not delay.  

What Does This Have to Do With Today?

 The reading and the homily immediately brought to my mind our political moral struggles and frustrations today, which are very worrisome and threatening to all conservatives, and all religious people, as the emboldened left forces on all of us their immoral agenda.   

The reading provides some guidelines for us on how to act in alarming times, and with whom we should align ourselves. 

What Position Do We Take Regarding President Trump?
Should We Lay Low or Dash to His Defense?

 Those who have read my blog previously, particularly in the early days of President Trump’s election and during his first term, may remember that I was hesitant in my support of Donald Trump, due to his checkered past, particularly his previous support of abortion. 

I wondered whether his campaign promises were genuine, representing a Christian conversion, or whether he was simply lying like many politicians, trying to get my vote. 
My blog articles included graphics with Donald Trump wearing a halo, and/or horns. 
I asked whether Donald Trump could possibly be a courageous convert like St. Paul, a knight on a white horse arriving to the White House to lead us back passionately to Constitutional and Christian values?

The Conversion of “Saint” Donald

Did Donald Trump undergo a passionate conversion to Constitutional and Christian values before running for President?
Now, 5 years after Donald Trump campaigned for President, it has become clear that he most certainly does have a passionate  dedication to our American and religious values. 
President Trump proved over the course of  his Presidency that he was indeed a courageous convert like St. Paul, passionately devoted to Christian values and to the American Constitution which was based on those Christian values.   
President Trump fought for and risked as much for American Christian values as any of our founders, including George Washington. He has been the most pro-Life President in our history, his anti-human trafficking office had incredible impact. Incidentally, billionaire Trump lost  nearly half of his net worth during his Presidency, doing these things for America.  And he’s still not quitting on America.  

AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens, a conservative alternative to AARP) has named President Donald J. Trump AMAC’s 2020 Man of the Year.  AMAC says:

“Not only has Trump succeeded in making America great again by bringing back jobs and restoring the economy, but he also secured peace in the Middle East and guided America through an unprecedented pandemic and turbulent times.  Despite being challenged by the media and the left who sought to destroy his reputation, the President did not waver.  Instead, he stood his ground, and in the face of many storms, proceeded to move forward to uphold principles of goodwill and justice.”

In return for his tireless courage and dedication, he was attacked, maligned and misrepresented by vicious opponents, and betrayed by many in his own party. We will never know whether  those numerous  betrayals were fueled by cowardice and fear of the far left, or whether our system of government is so infiltrated by treasonous agents that there seems to be no end of new betrayals, even now after four years.

Because of the sacrifices President Trump made, the Truth that he spoke, the unjust attacks that he suffered, and the betrayals he bore, President Trump is now in many minds not only a candidate for status among our greatest leaders in history, but also a candidate for sainthood for his defense of Christianity, justice, and defense of Life.  

Because of this I, together with as many as 80 million Americans, view President Trump as a valiant warrior fighting for the restoration of Constitutional and Christian values to America. 

The Contrast

In contrast, President Tump’s replacement in the White House today, Joe Biden, is clearly intent on eradicating Constitutional and Christian values.

35 Nations have declared that there is no international right to abortion, but now there are only 34 —  “Catholic”  Joe Biden has removed the United States from that list.   
The new administration is viciously and desperately doing their utmost to gag, incapacitate and destroy Christians and patriots and to impose on our nation by force the Machiavellian values they hold, under which the powerful elites are entitled to do anything they deem necessary to achieve their own goals, and are in no way limited by the Constitution of the United States or by Judeo-Christian accountability to God and their fellow man. 

To the Left, the only thing that matters is their experimental self-serving narrative, not whether it’s True or good for our nation.

Like the Christian Hebrews

Our situation is very parallel to the dilemma suffered by the Christian Hebrews. 
Today, like the Christian Hebrews, WE (primarily President Trump, and we 80 million Americans) are enduring a great contest of suffering
WE are publicly exposed to abuse and affliction for our Judeo Christian values. 
WE are in danger of imprisonment and or confiscation of our property. (Ask General Mike Flynn.  Ask Parler CEO John Matze. )
Above all, ask President Trump what he has personally been subjected to for the past 5 years.

The Left Is Not Finished

The left is clearly not finished with President Trump yet. 

Following his departure from the White House, contrary to the Constitution, contrary to the judgement of  the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who is refusing to show up, the left is still trying to impeach (remove from office) a President who is no longer in office. 

The left shows no signs of relenting in their persecution of President Trump (or of all conservatives). 
They are “canceling” him by every means available, starting with cutting him off social media like Twitter and Facebook.  Banks are shutting their doors on President Trump.  He is being treated unconstitutionally, being falsely accused, “convicted” without evidence or trial, discriminated against, marginalized, and spied upon. 

And What Do We Do? What Happens Now? 
What Happens Next?

What happens next?
As indicated in the Letter to the Hebrews:

We do not throw away our confidence.  
It will have a great reward.
We are not among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.

We have to stand behind, defend and assist our valiant President Trump. 
(Many of us choke at the idea of addressing Joe Biden, “winner” of the stolen election, as President.)

We do not support any form of violent or illegal insurrection, but we wholeheartedly support a legal, prayerful, constitutional insurrection aimed at restoring the will of the American people to it’s government. 

We believe absolutely that good God-fearing people, with the assistance of God Almighty (as well as the assistance of leftists who periodically shoot themselves in the foot) can prevail.   


How Do We Do This?

We do NOT do what the opposition, what Antifa and BLM do.
We do NOT routinely riot, cheat, or violate the rules of our Constitution or of our God on principle. (The brief Jan 6 riot was an exception, not the rule, and included at least two members of Antifa.)

Again, from Hebrews 10:32-39: 

We associate ourselves with those who are publicly exposed to abuse and affliction.
We join in the sufferings of those in prison.
We joyfully accept the confiscation of our property. 
We know that we have a better and lasting possession. 
We do not throw away our confidence, it will have great recompense


We Associate Ourselves with Those Who are Publicly Exposed to Abuse and Affliction

Yes, we have to associate ourselves with President Trump and defend him. 
And with General Flynn, and anyone else whom the browbeaters of the left have attacked. 
We publicly stand up for our Church, her teachings, and her guidelines.
We stand up for Truth.
We stand up for Life.

What Specifically, Can We Do?

To get ideas on what WE ought to do, let’s look at some great patriots and Christians who stood up for Truth and/or  for President Trump in recent weeks:

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) in the East Room of the White House on Feb. 6, 2020.


Guidelines for Action

Drawing from the above examples of courageous action by others, we should all resolve to participate in the pushback that will bring us victory in the end. 

First of all , ABOVE ALL, pray!
PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY more.

We can also keep ourselves informed.  See the Trustworthy Media news links below. Tune into, or listen to the recorded free Lifesite online conference on Truth about the Great Reset and Vaccines scheduled for Friday, February 19, 2021.
The title is Unmasking COVID-19: Vaccines, Mandates, and Global Health  
We can support conservative media outlets and social media which have not yet been cancelled. Support LifeSite News and Epoch Times.  
We can support all who are being “cancelled” by the left — starting with President Trump. Also Epoch Times, demonetized by You TubeSarah Huchabeee Sanders and other Trump supporters, who are being “cancelled” by ForbesLou Dobbs, and ardent Trump supporter, has been cancelled by Fox News Business, the day after they were sued by Smartmatic, which has been accused of participation in massive election fraud.  
We must be prepared to take risks ourselves.  Even if we get “cancelled” ourselves, there are 80 million others ready to continue the job. We have an endless supply of courageous and righteous patriots.  If we risk nothing now, we deserve whatever we get in the future.  
We can encourage our State legislators to push back on the immoral policies coming out of Washington D.C.
We can pressure our representatives in Washington to uphold a moral agenda — 48 Senators have just promised to oppose any bill that funds abortion.  Let’s reward them, write to praise them, contribute to them, and ask for more restoration of Judeo-Christian values to America.  
We can pray that our more of our religious leaders continue to push for freedom of religion and for Life with their statements, tweets, videos, and homilies. 
We can pray that our religious leaders help to clarify for us faithful the battles that lie ahead, and to encourage us to help in pushing back against immoral administrations.  We desperately need clarification on conflicting messages that are coming from conflicting Bishops and even conflict with the Vatican.  
Boycotting certain tech giants such as Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, and others, is an individual call.  While it is good to take our support and our dollars away from some of these despots, it is also good to use their services, as Bishop Strickland and others do, to spread opposition to the left agenda and to speak Truth.  
We can use social media to our advantage — boldly and unapologetically post our views on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Gab………    Tweet and retweet conservative messages.  


Trustworthy Media

Now that much media has become completely untrustworthy, and some previously reliable sources of conservative viewpoint such as Fox News and News Max have been compromised, we can seek new places in the media where we can find our news.  
Below is list of possibilities to explore.  I cannot vouch for any of them blindly, and some even tend towards sensationalism, but with a prudent and cautious eye, we can get a great deal of useful information from the following: 


Some Media, like FOX NEWS, may not longer be completely reliable.  FOX News Business recently cancelled  Lou Dobbs, an ardent Trump supporter, the day after they were sued by Smartmatic, which has been accused of participation in massive election fraud.  FOX News, as well as NEWSMAX, no longer broadcast anything to do with Election Fraud.  


Trustworthy Social Media

Instead of using Twitter, you can sign up on GAB, and you can follow President Donald Trump on GAB.  Get your news from the horse’s mouth.  Many conservatives purged by Twitter are flocking to GAB.  

President Trump is planning his own reemergence on social media— it is still not clear whether he will join an existing platform, or whether he will create his own platform.  When he decides, JOIN IT and stay informed.  

Use search engines such as SwissCows, rather than Google, which alters the search results that you are given to benefit the left.  Searches made with SwissCows often give different results than searches with Google.  

Examine Carefully All Issues Pushed Fervently by the Left

Keep an open mind about all the issues the left is presently pushing — that would include COVID restrictions and immunizations, climate change, globalism, unlimited and undocumented immigration and other issues. 

Many extremely reputable world leaders, political and religious, believe that serious issues like these are  being hijacked and misrepresented by the left in a way that frightens people and benefits the left politically. 

We have recently all been quite surprised at the depth and extent of the “deep state” in our government, which is motivated not by the well-being of the American people, but by their own political and economic advancement.
Now serious religious leaders like Archbishop Vigano are openly stating that the Catholic Church is infiltrated by globalists.  We cannot dismiss a man who was the Apostolic Nuncio of Pope Benedict to the United States and who has been backed by numerous other respectable leaders (like Arch bishop Burke, Bishop Strickland, Bishop Morlino (who published a letter vouching for his character), Scott Hahn, and others) — we cannot dismiss the claims of such a respected religious leader without investigating his claims.  

We Have To Take Risks

The bottom line is that we must all, each and every one of us, be prepared to take some risks, to support President Trump, and the Constitutional and Christian agenda that he established in order to Make America Great Again. 

If we are not prepared to take risks, we are certain to lose the battle. 

If you wonder why the stealing of the 2020 election was even possible, the mistake many of us made in 2016 was  to think that one man can clean up Washington.  That man is just a figurehead, a representation of what we all want.  We are the army that backs him, and defends him when the enemy has temporarily prevailed against him. 
If we don’t get seriously involved now, we will not only get cancelled permanently ourselves, but our entire nation will get cancelled, democracy will get cancelled, and communism will be installed in its place. 

When people talk about conscience rights, and conscience rights extending beyond the Church parking lot, they usually mean that we are allowed to express our consciences not only in Church, but also in civic life and in politics.  Today, we have to go much further than that — now we have not only conscience rights beyond the Church parking lot, but conscience obligations past the Church parking lot. 

All that we do now, or that we fail to do now will determine the life of future generations, just as our freedoms were earned by patriots and Christians since the establishment of our nation. 

Support President Trump
Risk speaking for, and fighting for the Truth  


Rosary for the Bishop Wishes Bishop Hying a very Blessed and Merry Christmas!


15 Christmases!

Rosary for the Bishop was started 15 years ago as a Christmas gift for Bishop Morlino.
During the last 15 years, the prayer effort was expanded to cover almost 500 Bishops from all over the world.
This Christmas, as Rosary for the Bishop celebrates 15 years, it now becomes a Christmas gift to Bishop Hying of Madison.

Madison’s Cathedral Parish has now adopted Rosary for the Bishop.
With this adoption, the site is being updated and a new campaign to promote the site and its mission is being launched to coincide with the 15th anniversary.

Please Check Us Out & Join!

We hope that everyone visits the site, pledges to pray one rosary per month for Bishop Hying, and registers to pray for other Bishops as well. 

Add YOUR Bishop

If your Bishop is not already among the almost 500 Bishops included on the Rosary for the Bishop website, just email Rosary for the Bishop with your request using the contact form, and your Bishop will be added to the program. 

Check It Out!

There is no cost involved in joining this army of prayer, and email reminders are available.  

Mobile-friendly pamphlet explaining how to pray the Rosary

See also:

Madison Catholic Herald article about Rosary for the Bishop
OSV News Article
The Catholic Sprit
The Dialog




Election Chaos: What Can EACH AMERICAN Do?


Climbing Walls

We are all climbing walls from this miserable extension of Election Day into Election Week, Election Month, and probably Election More than One Month.
The outcome of this election is not likely to be determined quickly.  
For conservatives like me, mercifully there is something we can do– not only praying, which is of top importance, but also there is  simple, well-directed political action possible. 

Fraud Plagues This Election

Fraud plagues this election.
All of the pivotal states have Democrat Governors and extensive Democrat Deep States which permitted, and even planned the fraud that brought us to this point. 

Recounting Ballots

Recounting will not suffice, since the fraudsters have thrown away the envelopes, existent or non-existent, signed or not signed, dated or not dated, and so recounting the paper ballots alone, without validating whether they were legal, will not help to bring justice.  Also, comparison needs to be made between computer stored ballots and paper ballots, to determine whether paper ballots had been run through scanners multiple times, or if the computer algorithms were manipulated after scans were complete.  
So recounts alone are not sufficient.
Anyone living in the contested States can sign up as volunteers to supervise recounts. 

Examining Software

Another solution rests in proving that fraud existed in the software which was used in the States where suspicion of fraud is high.  Companies which provided the software are associated with powerful Progressives like Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, and George Soros, and this type of fraud is being alleged. 
For example, statistical analysts have shown from voting data distributions that  fraud must have occurred. In some Michigan counties, the number of votes reported by computers for President Trump were lower than the number of ballots marked for a straight Republican vote.  This result in not possible without some type of gross error in the software, accidental or intentional.    
Challenging software algorithms is an option open only to the President and his lawyers, and the solution will rest in the hands of the courts, particularly the Supreme Court. 

The BOTTLENECK Where WE Can Help

The other solution is one in which each American can participate, investing just a few minutes of their time–

If and when the election fraud is proven and the results of some States are declared invalid, the Constitution places the choice of electors in the hands of the State Legislatures.

                                         IN ALL CONTESTED STATES,


That means that if our state legislators can summon up the courage to assign our votes to President Trump, President Trump will win the election. 
So it is our job, with emails and phone calls, to persuade our State Legislators of what the citizens of our States really want.


Act Simply, ACT NOW:

  • Go to the American Majority Action website, and send a pre-made email to scores of your State Legislators with one email.

  •  Be sure to add your name, address and phone, because Legislators ignore messages without that information.

  • You can customize, or not customize your message as you wish.

  • Do it right now! 




If you want a copy yourself, put yourself in the cc or “to” list.  






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Archbishop Fulton Sheen was  Bishop in New York City during my childhood there.  He was famous as a theologian, and also for his radio and television evangelization.  My grandma used to love watching his program during the 1950’s and 1960’s in New York.  

He has long been a favorite of mine, and below, his thoughts on PATRIOTISM are as timeless and eerily applicable right now today, during this American election, as they were during Bishop Sheen’s time in New York. 

Archbishop Sheen’s dramatic flair and humor made his presentations very popular and enjoyable, and drew record crowds and viewers, in addition to being simply brilliant and sublime.


                   St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City

Archishop Sheen’s sermons routinely drew 6,000 people to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, and his television appearances competed with Milton Berle and Frank Sinatra.  On Good Friday, his sermons were broadcast outdoors to the thousands standing outside St. Patrick’s, since there was not enough room for all in the Cathedral. 


Enjoy Archbishop Fulton Sheen on PATRIOTISM:

SCIENCE has Spoken— and Goodbye Lockdowns!

Science Versus Politics

The torturous debate over COVID policy has now plagued us in the United States, plagued us almost as much as the virus itself has, for close to 8 months.

Even the two United States Presidential Candidates have opposing strategies for future handling of the COVID pandemic.  One insists on ending lockdowns immediately, the other intends to extend lockdowns indefinitely.  

Now, consensus has been reached by over 43,000 global non-partisan medical professionals, assessing how much threat COVID actually presents to us, and recommending the best strategy to combat it.

Medical Consensus

The consensus effort was headed by a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, Dr. Bhattacharya, who co-authored the resulting Great Barrington Declaration, signed by over 43,000 Medical professionals, which was based on 82 seroprevalence studies from around the world, which show that the fatality rate of COVID has been MUCH lower than the initial reports which caused such global panic. 

How Could We Have Miscalculated So Badly?

Apparently the majority of people who are infected by COVID have very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.  These people are “invisible” at the beginning of the pandemic, they are not counted, and the death rate becomes artificially inflated to a scary level when these people are not counted. 

The seroprevalence studies, which measure antibodies in the blood of large population groups, can tell us how many people had the disease without even knowing it, with few or nonexistent symptoms.  These seroprevalence tests can only be developed and carried out later in the pandemic, and results cannot be known early on.  

The ACTUAL Numbers for COVID

So COVID has a fatality rate, when all ages are included, of 0.2%, or one out of 500 people who get it.
COVID is less dangerous to young children than the seasonal flu.
More children have died from the seasonal flu than from COVID by a factor of 2 or 3.
For people over 70 years old, the fatality rate is 4%, or one out of 25 people who get it, as opposed to one in 500 for the general population.  
President Trump, who is just barely over 70, got over COVID in a week. 

LOCKDOWNS are Actually Bad and Dangerous

LOCKDOWNS are FAR more dangerous than we ever anticipated.  
The economic effects of lockdowns are obvious to most of us, but what most fail to realize is that economic troubles translate into much more than dollars — they translate so far into an estimated 130 million more people starving, 80 million children at risk for diphtheria, pertussis and polio because they missed their vaccinations, and people skipping screenings and treatments because they are more afraid of COVID than of cancer or diabetes.  

Most Shocking

According to the 43,000 medical health professionals, mental health problems are the most shocking of all the effects of lockdowns.  The CDC has just found this June that one out of four young adults between 18 and 24 had seriously considered suicide.  


Based on the scientific data now available, the medical experts recommend ending lockdowns, opening schools and restaurants, allowing young people to live normal lives, focusing protection on the vulnerable, like those in nursing homes, and reducing the exposure of retired people to large group situations. Masks are not mentioned, and simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone.  

I Want To Know More

For those who want to know more, the text and links to Dr. Bhattacharya’s article and the Great Barrington Declaration are provided below.  
Finally, provided below, is a short video outlining some of the legal and political aspects and origin of COVID that some may find both interesting and shocking.  

*****     *****     *****     *****    *****     *****     

Dr. Bhattacharya’s article: 

A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-COVID Strategy

Jay Bhattacharya
Stanford University

Jay BhattacharyaJay Bhattacharya is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, where he received both an M.D. and a Ph.D. in economics. He is also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, and director of the Stanford Center on the Demography and Economics of Health and Aging. A co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, his research has been published in economics, statistics, legal, medical, public health, and health policy journals.

The following is adapted from a panel presentation on October 9, 2020, in Omaha, Nebraska, at a Hillsdale College Free Market Forum.

My goal today is, first, to present the facts about how deadly COVID-19 actually is; second, to present the facts about who is at risk from COVID; third, to present some facts about how deadly the widespread lockdowns have been; and fourth, to recommend a shift in public policy.

1. The COVID-19 Fatality Rate

In discussing the deadliness of COVID, we need to distinguish COVID cases from COVID infections. A lot of fear and confusion has resulted from failing to understand the difference.

We have heard much this year about the “case fatality rate” of COVID. In early March, the case fatality rate in the U.S. was roughly three percent—nearly three out of every hundred people who were identified as “cases” of COVID in early March died from it. Compare that to today, when the fatality rate of COVID is known to be less than one half of one percent.

In other words, when the World Health Organization said back in early March that three percent of people who get COVID die from it, they were wrong by at least one order of magnitude. The COVID fatality rate is much closer to 0.2 or 0.3 percent. The reason for the highly inaccurate early estimates is simple: in early March, we were not identifying most of the people who had been infected by COVID.

“Case fatality rate” is computed by dividing the number of deaths by the total number of confirmed cases. But to obtain an accurate COVID fatality rate, the number in the denominator should be the number of people who have been infected—the number of people who have actually had the disease—rather than the number of confirmed cases.

In March, only the small fraction of infected people who got sick and went to the hospital were identified as cases. But the majority of people who are infected by COVID have very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. These people weren’t identified in the early days, which resulted in a highly misleading fatality rate. And that is what drove public policy. Even worse, it continues to sow fear and panic, because the perception of too many people about COVID is frozen in the misleading data from March.

So how do we get an accurate fatality rate? To use a technical term, we test for seroprevalence—in other words, we test to find out how many people have evidence in their bloodstream of having had COVID.

This is easy with some viruses. Anyone who has had chickenpox, for instance, still has that virus living in them—it stays in the body forever. COVID, on the other hand, like other coronaviruses, doesn’t stay in the body. Someone who is infected with COVID and then clears it will be immune from it, but it won’t still be living in them.

What we need to test for, then, are antibodies or other evidence that someone has had COVID. And even antibodies fade over time, so testing for them still results in an underestimate of total infections.

Seroprevalence is what I worked on in the early days of the epidemic. In April, I ran a series of studies, using antibody tests, to see how many people in California’s Santa Clara County, where I live, had been infected. At the time, there were about 1,000 COVID cases that had been identified in the county, but our antibody tests found that 50,000 people had been infected—i.e., there were 50 times more infections than identified cases. This was enormously important, because it meant that the fatality rate was not three percent, but closer to 0.2 percent; not three in 100, but two in 1,000.

When it came out, this Santa Clara study was controversial. But science is like that, and the way science tests controversial studies is to see if they can be replicated. And indeed, there are now 82 similar seroprevalence studies from around the world, and the median result of these 82 studies is a fatality rate of about 0.2 percent—exactly what we found in Santa Clara County.

In some places, of course, the fatality rate was higher: in New York City it was more like 0.5 percent. In other places it was lower: the rate in Idaho was 0.13 percent. What this variation shows is that the fatality rate is not simply a function of how deadly a virus is. It is also a function of who gets infected and of the quality of the health care system. In the early days of the virus, our health care systems managed COVID poorly. Part of this was due to ignorance: we pursued very aggressive treatments, for instance, such as the use of ventilators, that in retrospect might have been counterproductive. And part of it was due to negligence: in some places, we needlessly allowed a lot of people in nursing homes to get infected.

But the bottom line is that the COVID fatality rate is in the neighborhood of 0.2 percent.

2. Who Is at Risk?

The single most important fact about the COVID pandemic—in terms of deciding how to respond to it on both an individual and a governmental basis—is that it is not equally dangerous for everybody. This became clear very early on, but for some reason our public health messaging failed to get this fact out to the public.

It still seems to be a common perception that COVID is equally dangerous to everybody, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is a thousand-fold difference between the mortality rate in older people, 70 and up, and the mortality rate in children. In some sense, this is a great blessing. If it was a disease that killed children preferentially, I for one would react very differently. But the fact is that for young children, this disease is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. This year, in the United States, more children have died from the seasonal flu than from COVID by a factor of two or three.

Whereas COVID is not deadly for children, for older people it is much more deadly than the seasonal flu. If you look at studies worldwide, the COVID fatality rate for people 70 and up is about four percent—four in 100 among those 70 and older, as opposed to two in 1,000 in the overall population.

Again, this huge difference between the danger of COVID to the young and the danger of COVID to the old is the most important fact about the virus. Yet it has not been sufficiently emphasized in public health messaging or taken into account by most policymakers.

3. Deadliness of the Lockdowns

The widespread lockdowns that have been adopted in response to COVID are unprecedented—lockdowns have never before been tried as a method of disease control. Nor were these lockdowns part of the original plan. The initial rationale for lockdowns was that slowing the spread of the disease would prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. It became clear before long that this was not a worry: in the U.S. and in most of the world, hospitals were never at risk of being overwhelmed. Yet the lockdowns were kept in place, and this is turning out to have deadly effects.

Those who dare to talk about the tremendous economic harms that have followed from the lockdowns are accused of heartlessness. Economic considerations are nothing compared to saving lives, they are told. So I’m not going to talk about the economic effects—I’m going to talk about the deadly effects on health, beginning with the fact that the U.N. has estimated that 130 million additional people will starve this year as a result of the economic damage resulting from the lockdowns.

In the last 20 years we’ve lifted one billion people worldwide out of poverty. This year we are reversing that progress to the extent—it bears repeating—that an estimated 130 million more people will starve.

Another result of the lockdowns is that people stopped bringing their children in for immunizations against diseases like diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and polio, because they had been led to fear COVID more than they feared these more deadly diseases. This wasn’t only true in the U.S. Eighty million children worldwide are now at risk of these diseases. We had made substantial progress in slowing them down, but now they are going to come back.

Large numbers of Americans, even though they had cancer and needed chemotherapy, didn’t come in for treatment because they were more afraid of COVID than cancer. Others have skipped recommended cancer screenings. We’re going to see a rise in cancer and cancer death rates as a consequence. Indeed, this is already starting to show up in the data. We’re also going to see a higher number of deaths from diabetes due to people missing their diabetic monitoring.

Mental health problems are in a way the most shocking thing. In June of this year, a CDC survey found that one in four young adults between 18 and 24 had seriously considered suicide. Human beings are not, after all, designed to live alone. We’re meant to be in company with one another. It is unsurprising that the lockdowns have had the psychological effects that they’ve had, especially among young adults and children, who have been denied much-needed socialization.

In effect, what we’ve been doing is requiring young people to bear the burden of controlling a disease from which they face little to no risk. This is entirely backward from the right approach.

4. Where to Go from Here

Last week I met with two other epidemiologists—Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University and Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard University—in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The three of us come from very different disciplinary backgrounds and from very different parts of the political spectrum. Yet we had arrived at the same view—the view that the widespread lockdown policy has been a devastating public health mistake. In response, we wrote and issued the Great Barrington Declaration, which can be viewed—along with explanatory videos, answers to frequently asked questions, a list of co-signers, etc.—online at  

(Great Barrington Declaration text included here)

I should say something in conclusion about the idea of herd immunity, which some people mischaracterize as a strategy of letting people die. First, herd immunity is not a strategy—it is a biological fact that applies to most infectious diseases. Even when we come up with a vaccine, we will be relying on herd immunity as an end-point for this epidemic. The vaccine will help, but herd immunity is what will bring it to an end. And second, our strategy is not to let people die, but to protect the vulnerable. We know the people who are vulnerable, and we know the people who are not vulnerable. To continue to act as if we do not know these things makes no sense.

My final point is about science. When scientists have spoken up against the lockdown policy, there has been enormous pushback: “You’re endangering lives.” Science cannot operate in an environment like that. I don’t know all the answers to COVID; no one does. Science ought to be able to clarify the answers. But science can’t do its job in an environment where anyone who challenges the status quo gets shut down or cancelled.

To date, the Great Barrington Declaration has been signed by over 43,000 medical and public health scientists and medical practitioners. The Declaration thus does not represent a fringe view within the scientific community. This is a central part of the scientific debate, and it belongs in the debate. Members of the general public can also sign the Declaration.

Together, I think we can get on the other side of this pandemic. But we have to fight back. We’re at a place where our civilization is at risk, where the bonds that unite us are at risk of being torn. We shouldn’t be afraid. We should respond to the COVID virus rationally: protect the vulnerable, treat the people who get infected compassionately, develop a vaccine. And while doing these things we should bring back the civilization that we had so that the cure does not end up being worse than the disease.

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The Great Barrington Declaration: 

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings, and deteriorating mental health—leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.

As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all—including the vulnerable—falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity—i.e., the point at which the rate of new infections is stable—and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent PCR testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sports, and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.

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What the Appointment of a Supreme Court Justice Means


In the light of Amy Coney Barrett’s appointment as Justice of the Supreme Court yesterday, two very profound statements must be shared —

  • U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s remarks on the Senate floor immediately preceeding the Senate vote to confirm Judge Barrett, and

  • Justice Barrett’s remarks immediately after being sworn in:

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s remarks before Senate confirms Judge Barrett:

The Senate will render one of the most consequential judgements it can ever deliver.

We will approve a lifetime appointment to our nation’s highest court.

Since the ink dried on the Constitution, only 114 men and women have been entrusted to uphold the separation of powers, protect people’s rights, and dispense impartial justice on the Supreme Court.

In a few minutes, Judge Amy Coney Barrett of Indiana will join their ranks.

This body has spent weeks studying the nominee’s record. We’ve examined fifteen years of scholarly writings. About one hundred opinions from the Seventh Circuit. And testimonials from legal experts running the gambit from close colleagues, to total strangers.

There have been one on one meetings for every Senator who wanted one. And a week of intensive hearings.

All of it has pointed to one conclusion: this is one of the most brilliant, admired, and well-qualified nominees in our lifetime. Intellectually, Judge Barrett is an absolute all-star.

She graduated number one in her class at Notre Dame Law School. She clerked on the second highest federal court and the Supreme Court. Then she returned to her alma mater and became an award-winning academic.

Judge Barrett’s mastery of the Constitution gives her a firm grasp on the judicial role.

Constitution of America, We the People.

She has pledged to ‘apply the law as written, not as she wishes it were.’ Her testimony, her writings, and her reputation confirm a total commitment to impartiality.

And the nominee’s personal integrity and strength of character are literally beyond reproach.

She earned the highest rating from the left leaning American Bar Association.

They marveled at the, quote, ‘breadth, diversity, and strength of the positive feedback [they] received from judges and lawyers of all political persuasions.’

If confirmed, this daughter of Louisiana and Indiana will become the only current justice with a law degree from any school not named Harvard or Yale.

She’d be the first mother of school-aged children to ever sit on the Court. By every account, the Supreme Court is getting not just a talented lawyer, but a fantastic person.

We’ve heard moving testimony from former students whom Judge Barrett went out of her way to help and to mentor. Her past clerks describe an exemplary boss. Her fellow scholars describe a winsome, respectful colleague who is tailor made for the collaborative atmosphere of the Court.

By any objective standard, Judge Barrett deserves to be confirmed to the Supreme Court.

The American people agree. In just a few minutes, she’ll be on the Supreme Court.

Two weeks ago, a CNN journalist made this observation. ‘Let’s be honest — in another [political] age… Judge Amy Coney Barrett would be getting 70 votes or more in the U.S. Senate because of her qualifications.’

Now, we know that’s not going to happen.

These are not the days when Justice Scalia was confirmed 98-0 and Justice Ginsburg was confirmed 96-3. And by the way, I voted for both Ginsburg and Breyer. It seems like a long time ago now.

We spent a lot of energy in recent weeks debating this matter. I think we can all acknowledge that both sides in the Senate have parallel oral histories about the last thirty or so years.

Each side feels the other side struck first — and struck worst – and has done more to electrify the atmosphere around here about confirmations.

Now, predictably enough, I think our account is based off what actually happened. I was there, I know what happened.

I’ve laid it out earlier, and I’ll talk about it again so the American people understand how we got to where we are.

It was the Senate Democrats who spent the early 2000s boasting about their brand new strategy of filibustering qualified nominees from a Republican president.

They were proud of it. They found a new way to halt the process. Stop those crazy right wing judges that Bush 43 was going to send up.

They pioneered it because they knew what the precedent was at that point. At that point as we discussed before, it just wasn’t done. Or you could do it, but you didn’t.

And the best evidence that you shouldn’t do it was the Clarence Thomas nomination, confirmed 52-48. And all of us know that any one of us in this body has a lot of power to object. So, if any one of the 100 senators at that time – including people who were opposed to Justice Thomas, like Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy – could have made us get 60 votes and Clarence Thomas would not have been on the Supreme Court.

That’s how strong the tradition was, until the Democratic Leader led the effort in the early 2000s to establish the new standard.

Well, after establishing the new standard, they got weary of it. And in 2013 the so-called nuclear option was implemented because Republicans were holding President Obama’s nominee’s to the same standard that they themselves had created.

So, when the shoe got on the other foot they didn’t like it too much. It was too tight.

Senate Democrats, both in 1992 and 2007, helpfully volunteered how they would have dealt with a nominee like we did in 2016.

The then-Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden, helpfully volunteered in 1992 when Bush 41 was running for re-election, that had a vacancy occurred, they wouldn’t have filled it.

There wasn’t a vacancy, but he just helpfully volunteered how they would deal if it if they had one.

Well, to one-up him, Leader Harry Reid and his friend the Democratic Leader said 18 months before the end of the Bush 43 period, if a vacancy on the Supreme Court occurred they wouldn’t fill it. That’s a fact.

What we’re talking about here are the facts of how we got to where we are,

I understand my Democratic friends seem to be terribly persuaded by their version of all of this. All I can tell you is: I was there, I know what happened. And my version is totally accurate.

The truth is, on all of this, we owe the country a broader discussion.

Competing claims about Senate customs cannot fully explain where we are.

Procedural finger pointing does not explain the torrent of outrage and threats which this nomination and many previous ones have provoked from the political left.

There are deeper reasons why these loud voices insist it is a national crisis.

It’s a national crisis when a Republican president makes a nominee for the Supreme Court.

Catastrophe looms right around the corner. The country will be fundamentally changed forever. When a Republican president makes a Supreme Court nominee.

They have hauled out the very same tactics for fifty years. Some of the opposition’s more intense, but the doomsday predictions about the outcome of nominating these extremists like John Paul Stevens, David Souter?

Why, somehow, everyone knows in advance that nominations like Bork, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett are certain to whip up national frenzies… while nominations like Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan are calm events by comparison.

This blaring asymmetry predates our recent disputes. And it comes, my colleagues, from a fundamental disagreement on the role of a judge in our republic.

We just have a fundamental difference of opinion. We just heard the Democratic Leader name all of these things that are threatened by this nominee. It sounds very similar to the tunes we’ve heard before.

We, like many Americans, want judges to fulfill a limited role the Constitution assigns to them: Stick to text, resolve cases impartially, and leave policymaking to the people and their representatives, which is what we do here.

We just spent four years confirming brilliant, qualified constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and lower courts who understand their roles.

53 circuit judges, over 200 judges in total, and we’re about to confirm the third Supreme Court Justice. What they all have in common — brilliant, smart, and know what a judge is supposed to be.

But the left thinks the framers of our country got this all wrong. They botched the job. 

The people who wrote the Constitution didn’t understand what a judge ought to be. As several Senate Democrats have reaffirmed in recent days, they find it quaint and naive to think a judge would simply follow the law.

Scalia used to say if you want to make policy, why don’t you run for office? That’s not what we do here.

Gorsuch said we don’t wear red robes or blue robes. We wear black robes. What they want is activist judges. They’ve made it quite clear. The Democratic Leader just a few minutes ago made it quite clear.

So what they are looking for is a small panel of lawyers with elite educations to reason backward from outcomes and enlighten all the rest of us with their morals and political judgment. Whether the Constitution speaks to the issue or not. They know best what’s for us. No matter what the Constitution or the law may say.

And for the last several decades, in many cases, that’s what they have gotten. One activist decision after another, giving us subjective preferences of one side of the force of law.

Across a wide variety of social, moral, and policy matters that a healthy society would leave to democratic debate, the personal opinions of judges have superseded the will of the people.

Now, they call that a success, and they want more of it.

President Obama actually was refreshingly honest about this. He said he wanted to appoint judges who had empathy. Think about that for a minute. What if you are the litigant before the judge — for whom the judge does not have empathy? You’re in tough shape. So, you give them credit for being pretty honest about this. That’s what they’re looking for. The smartest, leftist people they can put to make all the decisions for the rest of us, rather than leaving it to the messy democratic process to sort these things out the way the framers intended.

And that is clearly why we have taken on such an outsized, combative atmosphere with regard to these confirmations. That’s why they have become so contentious, because they want to control not only the legislative body but the judicial decisions as well. 

Let me just say this — there is nothing innate about legal training that equips people to be moral philosophers.

And incidentally, as I just said, that’s why these confirmations have taken on such an outsized, unhealthy significance. The remarks we just heard from across the aisle show exactly why the framers wanted to stop the courts from becoming clumsy, indirect battlefields for subjective debates that belong in this chamber and over in the House and in state legislatures around the country.

The left does not rage and panic at every constitutionalist judge because they will simply enact our party’s policy preferences. Any number of recent rulings make that very clear.

Their problem is that every judicial seat occupied by a constitutionalist is one fewer opportunity for the far left to go on offense.

At the end of the day, this is a valid debate. 

The difference of opinion on the judicial role is something the Senate and our system are built to handle. But there is something else our system cannot bear. As you have heard tonight, we now have one political faction essentially claiming they now see legitimate defeat as an oxymoron.

Our colleagues cannot point to a single Senate rule that’s been broken. They made one false claim about committee procedure which the parliamentarian dismissed.

The process comports entirely with the constitution.

We don’t have any doubt, do we, that if the shoe was on the other foot, they would be confirming this nominee. And have no doubt if the shoe was on the other foot in 2016, they would have done the same thing. Why? Because they had the elections that made those decisions possible. The reason we were able to make the decision we did in 2016 is because we had become the majority in 2014. 

The reason we were able to do what we did in 2016, 2018, and 2020 is because we had the majority. No rules were broken whatsoever. So all of these outlandish claims are utterly absurd, and the louder they scream, the more inaccurate they are.

You can always tell, just check the decibel level on the other side. The higher it goes up, the less accurate they are.

Our democratic colleagues keep repeating the word illegitimate as if repetition would make it true.

We’re a constitutional republic. Legitimacy does not flow from their feelings. Legitimacy is not the result of how they feel about it. You can’t win them all, and elections have consequences.

And what this Administration and this Republican Senate has done is exercise the power that was given to us by the American people in a manner that is entirely within the rules of the Senate and the Constitution of the United States.

The irony indeed. Think about how many times our Democratic friends have berated President Trump for allegedly refusing to accept legitimate outcomes he does not like. How many times have we heard that? ‘President Trump won’t accept outcomes he does not like.’

Well, they’re flunking that very test right before our eyes. That’s their problem. They don’t like the outcome. Well, the reason this outcome came about is because we had a series of successful elections. One of our two major political parties increasingly claims that any political system that deals them a setback is somehow illegitimate.

And this started actually long before this vacancy, as we all know. Over a year ago, Senate Democrats sent the Court an amicus brief that read like a note from a gangster film. They wrote: ‘The Supreme Court is not well… Perhaps the Court can heal itself before the public demands it be ‘restructured’…’

In March, the Democratic Leader stood outside the Court and threatened multiple Justices by name. ‘You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions!’ ‘You will pay the price!’

That’s the Democratic Leader of the Senate in front of the Supreme Court mentioning justices by name and in effect saying, if you rule the wrong way, bad things are going to happen.

For multiple years now, Democrats in this body and on the presidential campaign stump have sought to revive the discredited concept of court-packing.

Every high school student in America learns about Franklin Roosevelt’s unprincipled assault on judicial independence. Now the left wants to repeat it.

And former Vice President Biden, who spent decades condemning the idea here in the Senate, obediently says he’ll look into it.

Most importantly, the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg said last year: ‘nine is the right number.’

That’s the vacancy we’re filling right now. I don’t think any of them have quoted her on this issue lately, have you? Ruth Bader Ginsburg said ‘nine is the right number.’

These latest threats follow decades of subtler attempts to take independent judges and essentially put them on political probation.

How many consecutive nominees have Democrats and the media insisted would, quote, ‘tip the balance’ of the Court?

Has anyone tallied up how many hard right turns the courts have supposedly taken in our lifetimes?

All this ominous talk is a transparent attempt to apply improper pressure to impartial judges.

Rule how we want, or we’re coming after the Court. Vote how we want, or we’ll destroy the Senate.

These have been the Democratic demands. This is not about separation of powers. 

It’s a hostage situation.

Elections come and go. Political power is never permanent.

But the consequences could be cataclysmic if our colleagues across the aisle let partisan passions boil over and scorch the ground rules of our government.

The framers built the Senate to be the nation’s firewall.

Over and over, this institution has stood up to stop recklessness that could have damaged our country forever.

Tonight, we are called to do that again.

Tonight, we can place a woman of unparalleled ability and temperament on the Supreme Court.

We can take another historic step toward a judiciary that fulfills its role with excellence, but does not grasp after power that our constitutional system intentionally assigns somewhere else.

And we can stand loud and clear that the United States Senate does not bow to intemperate threats.

Voting to confirm this nominee should make every single Senator proud.

So I urge my colleagues to do just that.”

Justice Barrett’s remarks:

Thank you. Thank you so very much. Thank you all for being here tonight and thank you, President Trump for selecting me to serve as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. It’s a privilege to be asked to serve my country in this office, and I stand here tonight, truly honored and humbled.

Thanks also to the Senate for giving its consent to my appointment. I am grateful for the confidence you have expressed in me and I pledge to you and to the American people that I will discharge my duties to the very best of my ability. This was a rigorous confirmation process. And I thank all of you, especially Leader McConnell and Chairman Graham for helping me to navigate it. My heartfelt thanks go to the members of the White House staff and Department of Justice who worked tirelessly to support me through this process. Your stamina is remarkable, and I have been the beneficiary of it.

Jessie and I are also so grateful to the many people who have supported our family over these last several weeks. Through ways both tangible and intangible, you have made this day possible. Jesse and I have been truly awestruck by your generosity. I have spent a good amount of time over the last month at the Senate, both in meetings with individual senators and in days of hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The confirmation process has made ever clearer to me one of the fundamental differences between the federal judiciary and the United States Senate. And perhaps the most acute is the role of policy preferences. It is the job of a Senator to pursue her policy preferences. In fact, it would be a dereliction of duty for her to put policy goals aside. By contrast, it is the job of a judge to resist her policy preferences. It would be a dereliction of duty for her to give into them. Federal judges don’t stand for election, thus they have no basis for claiming that their preferences reflect those of the people.

This separation of duty from political preference is what makes the judiciary distinct among the three branches of government. A judge declares independence, not only from Congress and the President, but also from the private beliefs that might otherwise move her. The Judicial Oath captures the essence of the judicial duty. The rule of law must always control.

My fellow Americans, even though we judges don’t face elections, we still work for you. It is your Constitution that establishes the rule of law and the judicial independence that is so central to it. The oath that I have solemnly taken tonight means at its core that I will do my job without any fear or favor and that I will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences. I love the Constitution and the Democratic Republic that it establishes, and I will devote myself to preserving it. Thank you.



Australia’s Report on US Politics or How Our Politics Has Become Truly and Evilly Global

Enjoy the 22 minute enlightening video:

My education and my enlightenment sadly continue.  

Perspective 2020 or Dear Mrs. DUMP TRUMP


I live in a progressive sanctuary city, Madison, Wisconsin, a stone’s throw away from Kenosha, Wisconsin , among aggressive Democrats who ensure that not a single Trump-Pence sign dares to be displayed anywhere in the City.

This Blog article is dedicated to all my friends  and neighbors who oppose President Trump in the coming election, particularly the privileged suburban woman in my neighborhood who lives near our polling station, and is displaying an oversized DUMP TRUMP sign on her lawn. 
Below are some things she should consider before dumping President Trump on November 3rd. 


Before we embark on all the reasons why Mrs. DUMP TRUMP might not want to vote for the Democrats below, we list here (and also at the end of this article) President Trump’s  accomplishments. for which we should be thankful and for which we should all re-elect President Trump, no matter what our preferred politics may be —  President Trump does great things for ALL Americans, including for those who oppose him.  CLICK:


TRUMP ADMINISTRATION (more than 50) MAJOR ACCOMPISHMENTS + 2 Nobel Prize Nominations  




Also,  Piers Morgan’s (a liberal newscaster’s) explanation for why liberals should vote for President Trump:



And now down to business, my pitch to my neighbors–




In the present explosively divisive 2020 political climate, amidst the global pandemic, political divisions and rioting, one source of universal agreement is that the present situation is disturbing, is significant, and that big national and global changes are impending. Events which at first seem unrelated are coming together now with apparent coordination, to produce uncertainty and chaos, and a possible threat to our previously stable way of life.   


In order to assess accurately the extent of the impending changes, we have to check first our human inclination to anticipate extremes.  At times we tend to fear catastrophic conspiracies directed by global evil despots, from either side of the political spectrum. At other times, donning rose colored glasses we presume that all of humanity is fundamentally saintly,  is motivated by idealism, and that an appeal to everyone’s good nature will be sufficient to solve the problems of the world and to create paradise on earth. 

Where should we be standing today regarding recent events — are we in the grip of an evil global conspiracy that must be opposed, or will the current situation constitute a relatively small setback in the history of our nation?

Here, too, both sides seem to agree — that the present situation is pretty catastrophic and dangerous. 
However, each side places the source and the blame for our problems in a different place– on each other.  Each side is accusing their opponents of ill will, lies, and of conspiracies of global proportions. 
Which side is in the right, and which side is founding all their claims on lies?

Civility and Restraint

Regardless of today’s circumstances, however extreme, we still have to function with civility and restraint.  Even if our political opponents are truly heinous and evil liars, and even if the destructive actions of their leaders are intentional, we will still all have to coexist somehow, after the present crisis subsides. Winners cannot erase the opposing half of their nation, particularly where Christianity prevails.  Nor can winners realistically expect all opponents to see the light and to join their efforts. 

Fortunately, the roots of our culture, growing out of two thousand years of Christendom, give us some guidance on dealing with even the truly heinous and evil, with civility and restraint.  

Caution and Forgiveness

It is useful to recall the 1994 replacement of South Africa’s apartheid government by that of Nelson Mandela, who had the presence of mind to realize that his nation could not execute the entire previous government. Mandela realized that they needed the expertise of the previous administration, and the cooperation of the whites who had built that society, in order to avoid national collapse.  He issued a pardon, and tried to make a fresh start for his nation, based on forgiveness. When drawing parallels between Mandela’s South African situation and the current U.S. situation, it must be recognized that Mandela’s constituency was 2o times larger than the whites he was deposing.  In the U.S. today, the number of people Democrat extremists are trying to depose is quite different.  A few militants are trying to overthrow the majority.  

Incidentally, it must be pointed out that human nature is never perfect, and the change of administration has not ultimately brought prosperity, peace, or even political justice to South Africa, despite Nelson Mandela’s efforts.  Old politicians were replaced with new politicians, and human nature remained flawed regardless of the color of their political skins.  But at least the changes did not occur via massive bloodshed, and the transition was mostly civilized.  

So, too, today, we need to step back and try to get some perspective on what is going on, and to strive for peaceful change if at all possible. 

Nobody’s a Saint

Even the (deservedly) much admired  Nelson Mandela was not always a “saint,” and started his political career with terrorism and “necklacing” of opponents (execution and torture carried out by forcing a rubber tire filled with gasoline around a victim’s chest and arms, and setting it on fire).

Many heroes of history had a bad start, including St. Paul the Evangelist, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Augustine. 

We are not trying to justify the use of evil to achieve one’s ends —  neither present day rioting and violence, nor Nelson Mandela’s violent start.  The point to be made here is that even good wise leaders and historical figures may have had a flawed past that needs to be forgiven, and that everyone would be “cancelled” if our lives were examined closely enough.  

Everybody Must Forgive

Honesty demands that we admit that all humans and all cultures have sinned, and that we all are works in progress, striving for the goal of perfection. 
Christianity demands forgiveness, seventy times seven times, and an acknowledgement of our own failings.
These principles are not simply optional saintly goals that religious people should aspire to, but are very practical principles that help us avoid a perennial history of revenges and blood feuds, which result in primitive bloody chaos.
South Africa moved on after apartheid, Russia moved on after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and our own nation moved on after the Civil War. 
Everybody must forgive. 

Forgiveness of Sin Versus Proliferation of Error

Our task then becomes the very difficult balance between forgiveness and correction of serious and dangerous ideological error, which is pervading our society today.
To paraphrase Pope Pius X, we cannot accept any liberal ideas which, under the mask of good, pretend to reconcile justice with iniquity.  Sometimes compassion and toleration of extremely dangerous behavior is not virtuous at all.  

This is how we got into the mess we are in today– by spreading various forms of serious moral error, under the guise of compassion and tolerance.


There are some fundamentals essential to the peaceful coexistence of humans, without which society descends into chaos.
They include truth, justice, compassion and order, among others. 
If this begins to sound like a list of religious virtues, there is a reason for this —  religion, like mathematics and physics, is based on reality and on truth. 
The rules given to us by God via religion are not stupid, they are wise fundamentals.
Violence is not among these fundamentals. 


The idea that flawed governments can be overthrown by violating these principles, by violent rebellion involving the destruction of innocents, followed by a sudden return to fairness and morality by the new, previously violent rebellious regime, is naive.  The very people who riot, burn and kill today, will not rule with wisdom tomorrow.  

It did not work in the Bolshevik revolution, the French Revolution, nor in the more complicated and less violent takeovers of government by idealistic groups promising paradise to all. In every case, the new masters showed themselves to be just as bad as the old masters, and human frailty continued to surface as opportunists found their way to the top in new regimes.

In most cases, too, the revolutions were not actually caused by discontent citizens who decided suddenly to turn violent. They were in each case incited surreptitiously by organized groups who were motivated to use a naive population to help unseat the previous regime and to help them gain power.  The naive population which was used did not benefit ultimately in any way.  In fact, they suffered tremendously.  

So when choosing our politics, approval and tolerance of violence is a clear indicator of erroneous philosophy.  

Eliminating Religion

Little known is the fact that the secret society of the Freemasons has claimed credit for inciting the Bolshevik revolution, which they claimed to be their first experiment in eliminating the power of religion over people.  The Bolshevik experiment ushered the concept of communism, a very flawed system of government, into modern life in the 20th century.  The first attempt at outlawing religion (translate replacing voluntary self-restraint by citizens with governmental restraint of citizens by force) led to the birth of communism.

Today, Freemasons are involved in the particularly draconian enforcement of Covid regulations in Victorian, Australia, where a police foundation is selling face masks with the Freemason logo.   


Communism is based on government controlling people from the top down with regulation and force, with no limits on governmental power. Government is permitted to do anything to achieve it’s lofty goals, including kill it’s citizens without trial, and is accountable to nobody. God is eliminated because totalitarian leaders do not want any restrictions on their power, which God and religion impose.  If there is any doubt of this, ask me about my innocent Lithuanian farmer relatives who spent decades in Siberian concentration camps after Lithuania was taken over by Soviet Russia after World War II, simply because the government wanted to repossess their tiny 1 acre farm or their workplace.

The Opposite of Communism

In contrast, the US system of government was based on people controlling government, restricting the powers of government, and enjoying a great deal of personal liberty.  It assumes a great deal of individual decency and voluntary self-restraint in it’s citizens.  The US government is very limited in it’s powers— limited by the Constitution (which is based on Judeo-Christian principles), limited by the division of powers in government, and limited by the will of it’s people, who vote.  If the people lose their voluntary self-restraint and their individual decency, our democracy will no longer work.  

But we digress.

Let us return to today’s explosive politics, and see why the DNC platform violates the US Constitution, and ushers in communism into our American future. Today’s Democrat policies pose the danger of  spreading various forms of serious moral error, under the guise of compassion and tolerance. 

The DNC Platform

Based on the new DNC platform, The Democrat party is poised to take us in the direction of communism. It contains a large number of edicts issued from the top, which regulate and control more and more the life of every American, precisely what our Constitution was trying to avoid.
The Constitution practices subsidiarity, a principle that holds that nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organization. In other words, any activity which can be performed by a more decentralized entity should be. This principle is a bulwark of limited government and personal freedom. It conflicts with the passion for centralization and bureaucracy characteristic of the Welfare State.
Subsidiarity is the reason our American Revolution was fought, to escape the dictatorial control of King George III, and to return the control of their lives to the people after the government became too despotic.
The most recent DNC platform violates numerous principles of the Constitution and of subsidiarity, placing citizens at the mercy of edicts from government officials to which they never agreed. 
Today’s newest DNC platform seeks to restructure our US government into despotic draconian control of us, its citizens. 

Elements of the DNC & Biden Platform

  • The idea of MASSIVE INCREASES IN TAXATION (promised by Joe Biden upon his election) to fund all the items shown above in the DNC platform, illustrates a very high level of government control over local communities, akin to communism.  The idea that an American citizen is not free to pursue his own charitable priorities, but must sacrifice major portions of his income to fund the priorities of progressive people in Washington D.C. is dictatorship in gross violation of the Constitution of the United States. 
  • The guarantee of FREE ABORTION FOR ALL PROVISION, to be paid for by all Americans, including those who consider abortion to be murder, is a gross and dictatorial violation of  American freedoms. At least half of America is being forced to participate in murder against their wishes.
  • The SPONSORSHIP OF ABORTION BY GOVERNMENT is a dictatorial contradiction of the Bill of Rights — it engages our government in depriving future unborn citizens of Life before they were even born, ensuring that they never experience Liberty or the Pursuit of Happiness.  If the government can sponsor abortion now, what is to stop them from sponsoring euthanasia of senior citizens tomorrow?  Heaven knows the Democrat platform has changed radically in just the last 4 years!  People like MRS. DUMP TRUMP and myself will soon be on the government execution list. As well as anybody who is declared not sufficiently “woke” at any given moment.
  • In addition to extensive taxation and redistribution of American earnings, the DNC platform also describes the intention to CENSOR ALL INFORMATION OUTLETS that are available to American citizens.  See page 48 of the DNC platform.  We have already seen today that the progressive tech giant computer geeks running You Tube, Facebook and Twitter feel qualified to censor the medical opinions of medical doctors who are engaged in fighting the Covid epidemic. Their censorship is practiced strictly along political lines.  This censorship and manipulation of information and of the news is another hallmark of communism, and a violation of American rights.  
  • Although not specifically mentioned in the DNC platform, Joe Biden has made very clear his wish to decree MANDATORY MASK WEARING throughout the United States on his first day in office if elected.  
    Entire nations (such as Sweden), and numerous doctors (many of whom have been censored by our present tech giants and dishonest media outlets) question the severity of the Covid outbreak, and they debate the best means for reducing the catastrophe our nation suffers due to the release of this virus.  There is much evidence indicating that lockdowns and forced usage of masks is not the best way to go.
    Any unilateral decree by a President requiring all Americans to wear masks would be a clear and dangerous violation of not only American Constitutional rights, but also of common sense.  
    The fact that we can smell while wearing a mask hints at the fact that mask pore sizes do not exclude everything.  Mask pore sizes are typically much larger than 300 nanometers, while coronaviruses are about 100 nanometers, so they can clearly pass through the mask (molecules we smell are about 1 nanometer).  A hospital study has shown that homemade masks tested performed poorly, sometimes demonstrating as little as 1% filtration of viruses and bacteria.
    The compulsory use of masks either represents an attempt to pacify an excessively fearful population, or an attempt to instill fear in a population for the sake of political control (see Alinsky Tactics under Clashes Between Liberals and Conservatives ).  A masked and fearful population huddling in their locked down homes is clearly more prone to accepting “rescue” from even a despotic dictatorial government.  One of the oldest con games in human history involves convincing people they are in danger and offering a “cheap” solution.   
  • The  MASSIVE GREEN DEAL PROPOSAL in the DNC platform, is projected to cost $70 trillion, four times larger than our yearly gross national product.  This is a preposterous proposed expenditure, equivalent to a personal decision ourselves to spend 400% more this year on one item than we earn annually.  It would lead to instant and catastrophic debt and destruction of our economy.  This compulsory policy is particularly shocking when there is much very serious national debate among world class intellectuals over whether man-made global warming and “climate change” are a threat to us at all.  

The Democrat party seems to be poised to exchange our democratic form of government for communism, under which government taxes citizens oppressively, promises to redistribute the wealth equitably, and does everything by force.

Historically, every attempt at socialism has ended in inefficiency, degeneration of services, and autocratic control of the population. Taking away a person’s money for redistribution by someone who claims to be wiser is the greatest killer of motivation to work.  And the autocrats who promise to do this never distribute back much of what they collect to the people.  Most of what is collected is kept by the despots, and only insignificant crumbs (like free Obama-phones) are returned to the people.  Again, ask anyone who has had any contact with Venezuela, North Korea, Communist China, or Soviet Russia (me).  
Ask the Man Who Knew Communism Best, Bishop Fulton Sheen — watch him on You Tube.

Advocating Violence

Democrats are also advocating and approving the use of violence as a tool for change.   They are “CANCELING”  opponents instead of winning with debate, and they are advocating the elimination of police, thus eliminating law and order. This is clearly a recipe for disaster for our nation.

The cancellation of all law enforcement, of all leadership that does not subscribe to progressively defined political correctness, of any black voter who dares to think conservatively, and of our nation’s entire history, is a form of very dishonest political violence that is inexcusable. 

And the violence seems to just have begun, as Democrats threaten more and more.  House Democrats just recently blocked the condemnation of Defund the Police.   Kamala Harris, in her first solo speech as Democratic vice presidential nominee, stared down President Trump and said she stood with the protesters after riots in Kenosha, according to CBS News.  Moreover, evidence has recently surfaced for a Soros-backed coalition preparing to create post-election day chaos.   Is this the America we all want to live in? 

A Double Standard

There is also an amazing double standard where accountability is concerned.
Why are Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and every other high level progressive completely exempt both from prosecution and from “CANCELING”  by US citizens for their misdeeds and collusions with foreign governments?

Why is Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, exempt from canceling due to her very bigoted attitudes towards black Americans, of whom she had written  “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”?

Why is the Democrat Party, historically responsible for supporting slavery in America, exempt from canceling?

Why is Joe Biden, who has been accused of sexual assault, exempt from “Me, Too” accountability, and why has Kamala Harris flip-flopped on her belief of these accusations against Joe Biden?

The REAL Candidate Who Will Actually Be President

The most likely future President & leader of the Democrat party, if Democrats were to win this election, is Kamala Harris.  Harris was the California attorney general who dismissed the case against Planned Parenthood for illegally selling  aborted baby parts and encouraging later and later term abortions in order to generate more lucrative and expensive dead baby parts.

  She then raided the pro-lilfe reporter’s David Daleiden’s  home for exposing Planned Parenthood.  She continued on a legal vendetta to destroy the life of David Daleiden, selectively using California’s video recording laws as a political weapon to silence disfavored speech. David Daleiden became the first journalist ever to be criminally prosecuted under California’s recording law.  Kamala Harris filed 15 felony charges against him, and now, four years later, David Daleiden is still trapped in Kamala Harris’ persecution

This is what Kamala Harris did, as Attorney General, to a young pro-life undercover reporter who unearthed Planned Parenthood’s blood-curdling criminal activities.  She protected the criminals and viciously attacked the whistleblower.  

Kamala Harris is also known to be the most extreme far left Democrat in the Senate.  She executed the most vicious and deceitful attacks both during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, and during her own presidential candidacy, when she attacked now presidential candidate Joe Biden viciously and untruthfully.  Kamala Harris is also inconsistent, flip-flopping at any politically favorable wind.  She  strongly supported Christine Blasey Ford’s fallacious accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, but now dismisses allegations of sexual misconduct towards women by Joe Biden. This “Me too” hypocrisy cannot go unmentioned.  

Like some American founding Presidents who owned slaves, whose statues are being  destroyed and whose history is being cancelled today by Democrats,  Kamala Harris also has ancestors who owned slaves in Jamaica.  Why is Kamala Harris immune from cancelling?

Why do Democrats selectively target white people for shaming and cancelling, when slave ownership in the early days of our nation was also practiced by black people and by Native Americans (American Indians), who owned thousands of slaves? 

Finally, if the Democrats win this election, Nancy Pelosi, who was duped by a hair salon, and is now third in line to the nuclear codes, could advance in her position to first place.  

Bottom Line

Unless Americans are willing to completely dismiss any attachment to democratic government and the Constitution if the United States, in favor of dictatorial socialist promises which have never materialized in the history of the world, the Democrat Party must be defeated in this election.

The Use of Fear

The use of FEAR, the present favored tool of the left,  is not a good tactic to see in one’s leadership. When lies are combined with fear mongering, a population has no access to reality, and is at the mercy of those who control the government and the media.

Current Fear Tactics

The present lockdowns, school closures, masked 5 year olds playing in the streets, and violent BLM activists hijacking and using our black population for their own acknowledged Marxist agenda, are all examples of the fear mongering being used by the left.  This is a long-ago acknowledged tactic of the left— the Alinsky tactics studied by Hillary Clinton and taught by Barack Obama, which emphasize “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” 

It works like this — you identify a crisis, exaggerate it, build it up with lies, panic the population, and now the population is ready for any savior, to whom they are happy to surrender their rights in return for protection, presuming good will in their saviors, and assuming that rights will be restored when the crisis passes.  

The rights are never restored, and there is never any shortage of new crises, to keep the population on shaky ground.  If there is a shortage of crises, you simply create a crisis.  Some accuse the global warming proponents of using this tactic to gain global control of governments.  

In recent decades, we have had global cooling crises and  global warming crises, which have nudged many well- intentioned nations to relinquish rights to globalists and to surrender control over their own destiny.
Now that we have a President who is returning  control of our nation back into the hands of our own people, and is foiling the plans of the globalists, they are finding new and more panicked crises to amplify artificially, to instill fear in the population and try to grasp control.  

These include the Covid pandemic, and the artificially created BLM unrest, which occurs, incidentally, only in Democratically controlled cities where Democrat Mayors tell police to stand down and where Democrat city councils defund and shackle the police.

Aside on the COVID Pandemic and on Global Warming and Climate Change 

More and more globally reputable scientists and statisticians are discrediting man-made global warming and climate change claims, and are discrediting the lockdown handling and exaggeration of the present Covid pandemic. 

Examples of seriously data-driven and intellectual man-made global warming skeptics include Tony Heller, and my husband, Rolf Reitz, who, as Editor of the International Journal of Engine Research co-authored an editorial with 37 globally renowned scientists explaining why the present drive to eliminate gasoline engines from your planet is exaggerated.  Rolf also gave a Princeton University and Georgia Tech-sponsored webinar in which he detailed the scientific arguments supporting skepticism of the man-made global warming alarmism that is rampant today, and is in danger of damaging the indigent populations of the world more than any of us.

There is no shortage of globally reputable scientists who assure us that there is no climate emergency. 
Recently, 500 such scientists , spearheaded by the Amsterdam-based Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) issued the European Climate Declaration, describing the leading climate models as “unfit,” and warning that  “current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy.”

Criticisim of the lockdown and mask handling of the recent COVID pandemic is also surfacing in the scientific world, now that we have seen some data on the pandemic. 
Ivor Cummins (a top health officer and technical leader from Dublin, Ireland) presents the most convincing data and conclusions in a very public-friendly 40 minute seminar which everybody should view before forming any opinions on the further handling of the COVID situation.  It’s called Our Viral Issue-Crucial Update

Basically, Cummins gives incontrovertible  evidence for the uselessness of both masks and of lockdowns in dealing with the COVID situation.  He exposes the erroneous modeling that predicted a pandemic of catastrophic proportions which never materialized.  (Incidentally, the Global Warming alarmism was also generated by erroneous modeling predictions which never materialized, and which today’s climate data are not supporting in the least.)

In the best case scenario, the scientists who try to model and predict nature, either weather or pandemics, with equations and computers are simply incompetent and unable to acknowledge the unreliability of their pathetic predictions.  In the worst case scenario, they are corrupt scientists who intentionally model and predict fallacious “chicken little” “the sky is falling” scenarios, to help their favored unprincipled political faction gain power by promising to rescue the panicked population from impending disaster.
In the case of global warming, the tragically exaggerated and inaccurate modeling was done and was promulgated by Al Gore and his political globalist friends.  In the case of COVID modeling, the modeling was done by people associated with Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who are both financially invested in producing COVID vaccines for global use.    


The extent to which we have all been hoodwinked by a colluding media, a rapidly shifting Democrat Party, and the deep pockets of  billionaire far left activists is only beginning to be apparent.

More and more globally reputable scientists  are exposing the lies that are being taught in our schools and in politically correct indoctrination programs which are all designed to instill fear and shame in our population and to discredit our aystem of government. 

So What Do We Do?

Clearly, whether you lean liberal or conservative, and whether you like President Donald Trump’s politics and policies or not, if you want democracy in the future of our nation, you must vote for President Trump on November 3rd.

Once democracy is preserved on November 3rd, you can advocate and work for any change you like in future elections, under the umbrella  And protection of the U.S.  Constitution.

The only other alternative for us today is the Democrat party platform. This would establish dictatorial rule, draconian control of citizens, lockdowns, California-like power shortages, elimination of most rights now guaranteed by the Constitution,  the alteration of the Constitution by appointed Supreme Court Justices, instead of the preservation of the Constitution by them, and, in short, a government resembling that of Communist China, the Old USSR, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.  Venezuela is the most recent example of socialist destruction of a previously prosperous nation, where promises were made, and promises were not kept.

Not all Americans realize the power and brilliance of the US Constitution, which was designed to shackle the power of government leaders, and to introduce controls that would  limit potential despots.  The writers of the Constitution studied millennia of human history, and chose the best attributes from different forms of government.  They inserted the very Christian values of protecting the rights of the meek and of the poor from the powerful who may want to use and to control them.

Elect, and Super-Elect President Trump

Not only do we have to elect, but we have to super-elect President Trump in the coming election. Due to the acknowledged and enthusiastic use of a Alinsky tactics by the Democrat party, the election of President Trump will have to compensate for all the unprincipled devious tactics the left is planning to use.

The left has recruited most of the media to participate in the lies smearing President Trump, to the point where an assimilation of all the networks and reporters using identical phrases maligning President Trump on a given day has become obvious and even comical.

They are all clearly receiving identical instructions from a central source on a daily basis.  Whether that source is Barack Obama, the head of the “Resistance” in his alternate White House in Washington, or George Soros, or the secret Freemasons who have had a documented agenda since 1850 to destroy the power of religion over nations, and who have claimed credit for steering the Bolshevik Revolution, or whether that centralized source of evil is some other power-monger leftist like the tech giants of Google, Facebook and Twitter, the existence of that centralized command post is now blatantly obvious.
And the lies and manipulations of the left are not limited to the media— they are also now  engaged in escalating amounts of election fraud.

Since we on  the right practice  the voluntary self-restraint if Judeo- Christian Culture, and limit ourselves to what is lawful and constitutional, we must super-elect an over- elect this President.  We must get to the polls even if it means crawling over broken glass, we must advocate and work for this election, we must donate money, more that ever before, and most important of all, we must enlist the most powerful vote in the universe, we must enlist the support of God in this election, through the biggest avalanche of prayer that humanity has ever accomplished.  The Christian roots of our nation are in the balance.

Do the common man and his self evident  God given Rights win, or does totalitarian rule by  Marxists, accountable neither to God, nor to the citizenry, win?

For Everybody

TRUMP ADMINISTRATION (more than 50) MAJOR ACCOMPISHMENTS + 2 Nobel Prize Nominations  

For Catholics 

For those who have signed on to Catholicism as the best available guardian of God’s revelations to humanity over millennia, and the best source of guidance in matters of morality (as I have), there is an overriding moral reason to vote for President Trump. 

President Trump is the most pro-life President we have ever had, and Catholics  know that whether or not we kill our babies is the most pre-eminent moral issue in the 2020 Election. 
The US Bishops have reiterated this fact recently, providing guidance for Catholics.  

‘Abortion is an intrinsic evil, meaning that it is never permitted or morally justified, regardless of individual circumstances or intentions’ 

 A serious Catholic (or any other serious Christian, for that matter) cannot vote for a party that condones abortion, advocates the killing of a baby who survives abortion, advocates the killing of a baby right until the moment of birth, uses public funds to promote abortion at home and abroad, and helps organizations like Planned Parenthood, which engage in the grisly selling of aborted baby parts, as Kamala Harris has done. 

One Catholic priest, Fr. James Altman, has gone as far as to say that no Catholic can vote Democrat in this election.  “You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.”  Some US Catholic Bishops support him.  Others condemn the “tone” of his message. Evangelical Christians will probably love him, and they have already joined President Trump for his positions on abortion and on the Supreme Court.  

Another Catholic priest has condemned the masking and shutdown tactics pushed by Joe Biden as diabolically inspired and unnatural.  Father Robert Altier, a well known homilist, author, member of the board of Catholic Parents Online, and host of the DVD series Beauty, Truth, Goodness: The fundamentals of Catholicism, the parish priest of St. Raphael’s in Crystal, Minnesota says:

There’s nothing normal about it. It is not normal for human beings to be six feet apart from one another. It’s not normal for human beings to be covering their face when they try and talk to somebody.
It is not normal for us to be locking ourselves in the house for months at a time. It is not normal for us to be acting the way that we are because of what’s going on.
It has nothing to do with God, and it has nothing to do with humanity. Well, that doesn’t leave a whole lot of options then, does it? Where do we think it’s really coming from?
It is evil. Let’s be clear what it is. It is evil.

There is no question in this Catholic’s mind that abortion is the biggest overriding moral evil of the past century and that all decent people are obliged to take no part in it whatsoever, either personally, or as a nation.  In fact, we are obliged to warn our fellow citizens, whom we are obliged to love, against participating in this evil, too.  
I would go beyond just eliminating the use of Federal funds for any abortion-related purpose– I would include unborn babies in with the rest of us, who are guaranteed the right to LIFE.  






Science & Global Warming


Basing global energy policy on truth would have major ramifications on our economy and on our prosperity. 
Rolf Reitz,
Wisconsin Distinguished Professor and
Editor of the International Journal of Engine Research,
has outlined the scientific argument AGAINST global warming alarmism, in a professional talk entitled
The Future of the Internal Combustion Engine. 
Presented through the Georgia Tech Combustion Webinar on June 20, 2020. 
Posted on YouTube June 22, 2020.  
See YouTube embedded below or at The Future of the Internal Combustion Engine.  
The main global warming discussion goes from minute 19:40 to minute 37:32 of the 1 hour talk.
The entire talk is very useful for anybody interested in an honest engineering assessment of  whether we can ban the internal combustion engine in our cities, or whether we even need to.

I will  post a simplified version of the arguments presented here for younger scientists, as soon as time permits.   Stay tuned. 

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