Syte Reitz

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world…….

Browsing Posts tagged COVID

COVID Hell Was Avoidable

Highest COVID Death Toll 

The United States has the highest reported COVID death toll of any country.
The U.S. accounts for only 4% of the world’s population but we suffered about 15% of the 5.3 million known global COVID deaths in the last two years (AP, Yahoo News).
This means we suffered a 400% higher death toll from COVID compared with the rest of the world.  

What Happened?

What Happened?
One of the best educated, wealthiest nations of earth allowed four times more people to die than everybody else.  Instead of 800,000 fatalities, we could have had 200,000 fatalities .
600,000 people died needlessly. 
There is no avoiding the obvious conclusion.
We blew it.

How Did We Blow It? 

How Did We Blow It? 
Was it incompetence or was malfeasance involved?

WHO Advisor Shows That It Could Have Been Avoided

Evidence provided by an Advisor to the World Health Organization shows that the COVID epidemic could have been nipped in the bud, but powerful players interfered with the efforts of ethical physicians. 

In October 2020 Dr. Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organization on dozens of studies from around the world evaluating Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.  

Dr. Hill talked to two American physicians, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory, and British scientist Dr. Tess Lawrie about the exciting data they were witnessing.  

Then something happened…

An amazing 18 minute story from a very courageous and ethical woman, Dr. Tess Lawrie, who is now begging Dr. Andrew Hill to reveal those involved in the malfeasance:



Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD) is the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and CEO of EbMCsquared CiC, an independent, not for profit, health-focused think tank based in the United Kingdom. She is also the founder of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development initiative (now called BiRD International) and a co-founder of World Council for Health. 

Let’s all pray that Andrew Hill comes forward to reveal who has been responsible for the 600,000 excess US deaths and for the two years of COVID hell we have all lived through globally.  
If we don’t identify the players, their agenda, which has just begun, will continue.  

Only GOD can stop people like this. 


More on this at













World of Misinformation

We are living, apparently, in a world plagued by misinformation.

Not only is the bulk of our media no longer reliable and spreads falsehoods, but previously reliable authorities such as the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, a Supreme Court Justice, and the US President are now issuing blatant misinformation about life-threatening issues like the COVID pandemic. 
Simultaneously, and absurdly, tech giants like Facebook, Google and You Tube are cancelling most attempts by scientists and by rational people to communicate the truth and the real science on COVID.

Reliable Science   

For those interested in accessing the TRUTH about COVID-related issues which is now surfacing, as numerous good and ethical doctors are pushing back against our government’s bungled mismanagement of the COVID pandemic, and who are succeeding in finding ways to communicate truth without cancellation, below is a list of links and sources where you can get information that makes sense.  

The misinformation (false or out-of-context information that is presented as fact regardless of an intent to deceive) has been so extensive that it seriously suggests disinformation (a type of misinformation that is intentionally false and intended to deceive or mislead).  There are numerous political and economic benefits to people in power to spread such disinformation. In fact, many billionaires have been made by government-forced illogical COVID policy during the past two years.   

Dr. McCullough is a vocal doctor offering successful outpatient treatments that allow COVID patients to avoid hospitalization and severe illness.  Dr. McCullough has a resume that dwarfs that of Dr. Fauci, who has been advocating doing virtually nothing until COVID has become severe.  

Treatments and Testimony from Reputable Doctors



General Good Uncensored News Sources:

The Epoch Times  (a New York Times kind of newspaper, which does not censor conservative news).     (we had to pay $1 for a 2 month subscription).

LifeSite News –  A Catholic website that gives lots of COVID and pro-life info 

Some General Useful Information  

Bad for inflammations: soybean oil, soybean flour, and most soy products, except those naturally fermented like traditional soy sauce, or soy lecithin in baking , which are OK.

Also all vegetable oils like vegetable oil, safflower, canola, sunflower, etc.
Good for inflammations: Butter, olive oil, beef fat, pork fat, chicken fat,(natural fats without preservatives or BHA), etc.

Good natural teas (all of them used just like regular tea, about 1 teaspoon & pour over 1 cup boiling water, let it sit for a few minutes)

  • White Pine Needle tea – good for COVID symptoms, cold & flu symptoms.  Reversed the binding of spike protein to human cells in lab experiments
  • Rosemary tea – gives 4 hours pain relief, just like Tylenol. (you can use rosemary leaves from the spice and baking section of the supermarket).    
  • Ginger tea- helps with inflammations (you can use ginger powder from the spice and baking section of the supermarket).    


Slam-Dunk No-Brainer COVID Arguments: Why is More than 1/3 of America Refusing the Vaccine?

Background COVID Questions

Why is more than 1/3 of America refusing the COVID “vaccine?”

Why are half of health care workers in the US hesitant to get the shot?

Why have only 37.5% of  nursing home staff  been jabbed?

Why are Americans with Ph.D.s most reluctant to get the shot

Apparently, people who have never expressed vaccine hesitancy before are very hesitant when it comes to the COVID shot.

WHY are so many well educated pro-vax Americans so suspicious of the COVID vaccine and of all additional COVID “protection” mechanisms mandated by the government, such as masking and social distancing?

Below are 10 Slam-Dunk Answers to these COVID Questions. 
Each answer ALONE is sufficient to give a reasonable person pause in cooperating with the present governmental policies of forced vaccination, masking, and social distancing.  


Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #1

Generated by the CDC’s own software, here is the graph of number of adverse vaccine events in the United States by year:

Summary:  In 100 years, the CDC has logged over 1 million adverse vaccine reaction reports.  Half of them, over half a million, occurred in 2021, and we are only in September now.  The explosion in adverse reactions is due entirely to the COVID “vaccine.”
Don’t believe it? 
Generate your own data selection report at the CDC:  CDC VAERS Data analysis 

Incidentally, in 1976, the U.S. government vaccinated 45 million people with a vaccine for the swine flu. Fifty-three people reportedly died after getting that shot. The U.S. government immediately halted the vaccination program. Authorities decided it was too risky, it wasn’t worth it. 
As of July, 2021, CDC has acknowledged over 12,000 deaths related to the COVID vaccine, and still all US citizens are being coerced into taking the vaccine under threat of losing their employment.  

Conclusion: The COVID “vaccines” are infinitely more dangerous that any other vaccine that has ever been offered to Americans in 100 years.

Swine flu vaccine was cancelled after 53 deaths. COVID vaccine is NOT cancelled despite over 12,000 deaths.  

          Note there is also evidence that VAERS UNDER-REPORTS the actual numbers by a
          factor  of 10 to 100.

Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #2

The probability of dying of COVID is negligible compared to standard general death expectancies in the US.

For example:

Reports on COVID death in different age categories vary from source to source, but According to a Washington Post article last week, COVID infections are lethal to 1 in 780 people age 40-64 (0.13 of 1%), 1 in 150 people aged 65 to 84 (0.67 of 1%), and 1 in 35 people aged 85 and over (2.8%). These probabilities of dying, all less than 1% under age 85, and only 2.8%  for people aged 85 and over, are much lower than our chances of dying from other causes. 

To see our probability of dying from other causes, we consult the IRS life expectancy tables (actuarial tables) .  The probability of dying by age 40 is 4%, probability of dying by age 65 is 18%, and dying by age 85 is 66%.

See the table.

So the above risks of death posed by COVID are very small compared to all other factors that could terminate the life of a human being. 

This data shows that the widespread fear-generating and panic-inducing control edicts used by our governments are completely unjustified.  

Conclusion: Getting COVID is less dangerous for a 70 year old than just living in general.  That is, you are far more likely to die from something else than from COVID.  


Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #3

Medical experts, including a top Johnson & Johnson researcher, warned last week at an FDA hearing that “The vaccines kill more than they save.

Over 860,000 infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists have objected to prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend alternative strategies to handle COVID.  See the Great Barrington Declaration.  

America’s Frontline Doctors have objected to the politicized science and biased information with which COVID-19 is being handled by our government.  They propose simpler, successful alternative treatments, and protect physician independence from government overreach.  

The Truth For Health Foundation warns of the dangers posed by COVID “vaccinations,” and proposes alternative COVID treatments.  

Numerous Doctors and health professionals across  the United States and the world warn against the dangers of COVID “vaccination” (technically gene therapy), and refuse to take the “vaccination” themselves. 

FDA panel: “The vaccines kill more than they save.” 

Despite these warnings from numerous medical experts, the FDA approved the first COVID vaccine last week.   

Researchers have reported in Toxicology Reports that the risk-benefit ratio of COVID vaccination, extremely conservatively, is about 5/1.

Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #4

The largest State in India, 3/4 the size of the United States (with a population of 241 million people), has been declared COVID-free after the government promoted preventative use of ivermectin against COVID. 

Ivermectin is a  medication which has been used on billions of people, whose discoverer received a Nobel Prize, and which American media try to label misleadingly as “horse medicine.”  Tactics such as this alone should give us the heads up that something is amiss.  
The use of antibiotics has never been forbidden in humans because antibiotics have also been used in our pets, so why should such a useful, successful, and inexpensive medication such at ivermectin be suppressed and ridiculed in the United States?

India State of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin


Ivermectin, not vaccines, is the most effective medicine for curing COVID.   

Yet Ivermectin use is being ridiculed and suppressed by media and by government. 


Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #5

Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, which has been widely used in detecting COVID-19, previously slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci by calling him a liar. He also strongly criticized Fauci’s understanding of science, while revealing that the PCR test is not suitable as a diagnostic tool, in the way it is being used for COVID-19. Before his death in August of 2019, he spoke against PCR tests being used in the manner in which they came to be used, just months after his death.

Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test

Dr. Kary Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993.  

The data sheet of a PCR kit for SARS-CoV-2 even  indicates specific warnings:

–>the test can suffer interference from a host of other common seasonal viruses

–>the test should not be used as a sole evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment

Conclusion: The PCR test was not meant to detect a virus, and the results are unreliable. 
People without symptoms have never previously in history been counted as sick, and they are false positives.  


Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #6

There is no noticeable uptick in US deaths that can be associated with COVID.

 As COVID deaths go up, influenza, heart disease and stroke deaths go down. 
This means that people who are dying in the normal course of age and other illness are now being categorized as COVID deaths, because they were tested with the above unreliable, high false-positive PCR test, and were found to be “positive” for COVID. 
People who are really dying of all the normal co-morbidities, age, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases, etc., are now categorized as COVID deaths. 
These are not deaths from COVID, but are deaths with an asymptomatic positive PCR test result.   

See the data for yourself,  from Macrotrends and United Nations population data–

Notice that from 1950 to now, the number of deaths follows a smooth curve with no pandemic spikes. 
There is an uptick in deaths in recent years, but that uptick started in 2008, accelerated in 2013, and continues on a smooth line to the present 2021.  

According to Senator Scott Jensen, right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000, three times as much. This constitutes a tremendous financial incentive for hospitals, which are businesses, to classify deaths and hospitalizations as COVID related. 
There are reports by medical personnel of pressure from hospitals to categorize deaths as COVID deaths. 

Conclusion:  Reports fo COVID deaths seem to be politically exaggerated.  The true number cannot be known, but there is no noticeable evidence of excess death occurring in the United States.   

Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #7

Evidence of media and government misrepresentation of COVID data

According to the CDC, only 6% of “COVID deaths” are deaths from COVID alone.  94% of “COVID deaths” are from additional conditions or causes of death.  
The 688,000 deaths attributed to COVID over 1.75 years thus translate into 24,000 real COVID deaths per year.
The CDC estimates that an average of 36,000 people die of the flu each year over the past decade, more than the deaths attributed to COVID. 
By these calculations, COVID is less deadly than the seasonal flu.   

The ~600 child COVID deaths listed by the CDC for the US were all co-morbidity deaths, without a single exception.   

Dr. Lee Vliet, President of the Truth For Health Foundation, who researched the child records writes:  Why Are We Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19? 


Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #8

Inconsistencies and flip-flopping in government rules and messaging defy all medical logic and common sense.
The government seems to be almost random in it’s proclamations and edicts:


  • COVID “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all.  It is the first time that genetic information is being injected into millions of humans, which may remain there forever and alter the permanent chemistry of the body.  This is gene therapy, and the gene being inserted is a toxic protein. The toxic protein has been shown to accumulate preferentially in very scary places like ovaries, and there have been many reports of infertility associated with this injection.   
  • People who are vaccinated and supposedly immune must still wear masks
  • These masks have been proven to be ineffective for viruses.  Even N95 masks are primarily designed to limit exposure to dust, not viruses.  COVID virus can go through masks as easily as an insect can fly through a chain link fence. 
  • Masks do not have to be worn in a restaurant while seated at a table, but must be worn when standing up.  Does the virus know when you are standing up?
  • Nations such as Sweden have daily COVID deaths hitting zero, with no strict lockdowns and not even a recommendation for wearing masks. 
  • The US is forbidding medical treatments such as Ivermectin which have defeated COVID in other countries.  The effectiveness of Ivermectin is proven and published.    
  • Children must be vaccinated, when children are not susceptible to COVID and have never infected anyone.  

Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #9

Our government has tried to impose rampant violations of our Constitutional liberties and of all previous medical protocols. 

  • No religious objections have been permitted.
  • Never in history have people without symptoms been isolated or masked — it was the vulnerable who were protected, isolated.
  • Even the favorite progressive mantra of “my body, my choice” has been violated. 

How can we trust an administration with our health when they force irrational dictatorial policies on people which violate every code of ethics, moral, religious, and constitutional, that we have respected for centuries?


Slam-Dunk COVID Answer #10

Saved Most Important for Last:
The COVID vaccines were developed using cell lines obtained from aborted babies. 

The fetal cell lines being used to produce some of the potential COVID-19 vaccines come primarily from two sources:
● HEK-293: A kidney cell line that was isolated from a unborn baby in 1973 
● PER.C6: A retinal cell line that was isolated from an aborted baby in 1985

Cell lines are obtained from aborted babies by dissecting flesh from that baby while still alive and un- anesthetized. The torture suffered by that baby cannot be described.
HEK-293, for example, would be the cell line obtained by dissection from the 293rd baby that was attempted. 

The fact that this was done in 1973 or in 1985 does not change the facts of the origin, the torture, or of the morality. 

Abortion is simply evil and wrong.
It is not at all surprising that the fruits of abortion, the horrors now coming out of the vaccine agenda, are as disturbing as their source.    



There are nations such as Romania who have seen through this fraudulent COVID shot program, and have discontinued COVID shots completely. 
71% of the people of Romania have refused the jabs, and the government has shut down vaccination centers.  

Who are these wise and courageous people?
Primarily Orthodox Christians.  Between 80 and 85% of the population belongs to the Romanian Orthodox Church.  

All rational people should join them. 








Perspective 2020 or Dear Mrs. DUMP TRUMP


I live in a progressive sanctuary city, Madison, Wisconsin, a stone’s throw away from Kenosha, Wisconsin , among aggressive Democrats who ensure that not a single Trump-Pence sign dares to be displayed anywhere in the City.

This Blog article is dedicated to all my friends  and neighbors who oppose President Trump in the coming election, particularly the privileged suburban woman in my neighborhood who lives near our polling station, and is displaying an oversized DUMP TRUMP sign on her lawn. 
Below are some things she should consider before dumping President Trump on November 3rd. 


Before we embark on all the reasons why Mrs. DUMP TRUMP might not want to vote for the Democrats below, we list here (and also at the end of this article) President Trump’s  accomplishments. for which we should be thankful and for which we should all re-elect President Trump, no matter what our preferred politics may be —  President Trump does great things for ALL Americans, including for those who oppose him.  CLICK:


TRUMP ADMINISTRATION (more than 50) MAJOR ACCOMPISHMENTS + 2 Nobel Prize Nominations  




Also,  Piers Morgan’s (a liberal newscaster’s) explanation for why liberals should vote for President Trump:



And now down to business, my pitch to my neighbors–




In the present explosively divisive 2020 political climate, amidst the global pandemic, political divisions and rioting, one source of universal agreement is that the present situation is disturbing, is significant, and that big national and global changes are impending. Events which at first seem unrelated are coming together now with apparent coordination, to produce uncertainty and chaos, and a possible threat to our previously stable way of life.   


In order to assess accurately the extent of the impending changes, we have to check first our human inclination to anticipate extremes.  At times we tend to fear catastrophic conspiracies directed by global evil despots, from either side of the political spectrum. At other times, donning rose colored glasses we presume that all of humanity is fundamentally saintly,  is motivated by idealism, and that an appeal to everyone’s good nature will be sufficient to solve the problems of the world and to create paradise on earth. 

Where should we be standing today regarding recent events — are we in the grip of an evil global conspiracy that must be opposed, or will the current situation constitute a relatively small setback in the history of our nation?

Here, too, both sides seem to agree — that the present situation is pretty catastrophic and dangerous. 
However, each side places the source and the blame for our problems in a different place– on each other.  Each side is accusing their opponents of ill will, lies, and of conspiracies of global proportions. 
Which side is in the right, and which side is founding all their claims on lies?

Civility and Restraint

Regardless of today’s circumstances, however extreme, we still have to function with civility and restraint.  Even if our political opponents are truly heinous and evil liars, and even if the destructive actions of their leaders are intentional, we will still all have to coexist somehow, after the present crisis subsides. Winners cannot erase the opposing half of their nation, particularly where Christianity prevails.  Nor can winners realistically expect all opponents to see the light and to join their efforts. 

Fortunately, the roots of our culture, growing out of two thousand years of Christendom, give us some guidance on dealing with even the truly heinous and evil, with civility and restraint.  

Caution and Forgiveness

It is useful to recall the 1994 replacement of South Africa’s apartheid government by that of Nelson Mandela, who had the presence of mind to realize that his nation could not execute the entire previous government. Mandela realized that they needed the expertise of the previous administration, and the cooperation of the whites who had built that society, in order to avoid national collapse.  He issued a pardon, and tried to make a fresh start for his nation, based on forgiveness. When drawing parallels between Mandela’s South African situation and the current U.S. situation, it must be recognized that Mandela’s constituency was 2o times larger than the whites he was deposing.  In the U.S. today, the number of people Democrat extremists are trying to depose is quite different.  A few militants are trying to overthrow the majority.  

Incidentally, it must be pointed out that human nature is never perfect, and the change of administration has not ultimately brought prosperity, peace, or even political justice to South Africa, despite Nelson Mandela’s efforts.  Old politicians were replaced with new politicians, and human nature remained flawed regardless of the color of their political skins.  But at least the changes did not occur via massive bloodshed, and the transition was mostly civilized.  

So, too, today, we need to step back and try to get some perspective on what is going on, and to strive for peaceful change if at all possible. 

Nobody’s a Saint

Even the (deservedly) much admired  Nelson Mandela was not always a “saint,” and started his political career with terrorism and “necklacing” of opponents (execution and torture carried out by forcing a rubber tire filled with gasoline around a victim’s chest and arms, and setting it on fire).

Many heroes of history had a bad start, including St. Paul the Evangelist, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Augustine. 

We are not trying to justify the use of evil to achieve one’s ends —  neither present day rioting and violence, nor Nelson Mandela’s violent start.  The point to be made here is that even good wise leaders and historical figures may have had a flawed past that needs to be forgiven, and that everyone would be “cancelled” if our lives were examined closely enough.  

Everybody Must Forgive

Honesty demands that we admit that all humans and all cultures have sinned, and that we all are works in progress, striving for the goal of perfection. 
Christianity demands forgiveness, seventy times seven times, and an acknowledgement of our own failings.
These principles are not simply optional saintly goals that religious people should aspire to, but are very practical principles that help us avoid a perennial history of revenges and blood feuds, which result in primitive bloody chaos.
South Africa moved on after apartheid, Russia moved on after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and our own nation moved on after the Civil War. 
Everybody must forgive. 

Forgiveness of Sin Versus Proliferation of Error

Our task then becomes the very difficult balance between forgiveness and correction of serious and dangerous ideological error, which is pervading our society today.
To paraphrase Pope Pius X, we cannot accept any liberal ideas which, under the mask of good, pretend to reconcile justice with iniquity.  Sometimes compassion and toleration of extremely dangerous behavior is not virtuous at all.  

This is how we got into the mess we are in today– by spreading various forms of serious moral error, under the guise of compassion and tolerance.


There are some fundamentals essential to the peaceful coexistence of humans, without which society descends into chaos.
They include truth, justice, compassion and order, among others. 
If this begins to sound like a list of religious virtues, there is a reason for this —  religion, like mathematics and physics, is based on reality and on truth. 
The rules given to us by God via religion are not stupid, they are wise fundamentals.
Violence is not among these fundamentals. 


The idea that flawed governments can be overthrown by violating these principles, by violent rebellion involving the destruction of innocents, followed by a sudden return to fairness and morality by the new, previously violent rebellious regime, is naive.  The very people who riot, burn and kill today, will not rule with wisdom tomorrow.  

It did not work in the Bolshevik revolution, the French Revolution, nor in the more complicated and less violent takeovers of government by idealistic groups promising paradise to all. In every case, the new masters showed themselves to be just as bad as the old masters, and human frailty continued to surface as opportunists found their way to the top in new regimes.

In most cases, too, the revolutions were not actually caused by discontent citizens who decided suddenly to turn violent. They were in each case incited surreptitiously by organized groups who were motivated to use a naive population to help unseat the previous regime and to help them gain power.  The naive population which was used did not benefit ultimately in any way.  In fact, they suffered tremendously.  

So when choosing our politics, approval and tolerance of violence is a clear indicator of erroneous philosophy.  

Eliminating Religion

Little known is the fact that the secret society of the Freemasons has claimed credit for inciting the Bolshevik revolution, which they claimed to be their first experiment in eliminating the power of religion over people.  The Bolshevik experiment ushered the concept of communism, a very flawed system of government, into modern life in the 20th century.  The first attempt at outlawing religion (translate replacing voluntary self-restraint by citizens with governmental restraint of citizens by force) led to the birth of communism.

Today, Freemasons are involved in the particularly draconian enforcement of Covid regulations in Victorian, Australia, where a police foundation is selling face masks with the Freemason logo.   


Communism is based on government controlling people from the top down with regulation and force, with no limits on governmental power. Government is permitted to do anything to achieve it’s lofty goals, including kill it’s citizens without trial, and is accountable to nobody. God is eliminated because totalitarian leaders do not want any restrictions on their power, which God and religion impose.  If there is any doubt of this, ask me about my innocent Lithuanian farmer relatives who spent decades in Siberian concentration camps after Lithuania was taken over by Soviet Russia after World War II, simply because the government wanted to repossess their tiny 1 acre farm or their workplace.

The Opposite of Communism

In contrast, the US system of government was based on people controlling government, restricting the powers of government, and enjoying a great deal of personal liberty.  It assumes a great deal of individual decency and voluntary self-restraint in it’s citizens.  The US government is very limited in it’s powers— limited by the Constitution (which is based on Judeo-Christian principles), limited by the division of powers in government, and limited by the will of it’s people, who vote.  If the people lose their voluntary self-restraint and their individual decency, our democracy will no longer work.  

But we digress.

Let us return to today’s explosive politics, and see why the DNC platform violates the US Constitution, and ushers in communism into our American future. Today’s Democrat policies pose the danger of  spreading various forms of serious moral error, under the guise of compassion and tolerance. 

The DNC Platform

Based on the new DNC platform, The Democrat party is poised to take us in the direction of communism. It contains a large number of edicts issued from the top, which regulate and control more and more the life of every American, precisely what our Constitution was trying to avoid.
The Constitution practices subsidiarity, a principle that holds that nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organization. In other words, any activity which can be performed by a more decentralized entity should be. This principle is a bulwark of limited government and personal freedom. It conflicts with the passion for centralization and bureaucracy characteristic of the Welfare State.
Subsidiarity is the reason our American Revolution was fought, to escape the dictatorial control of King George III, and to return the control of their lives to the people after the government became too despotic.
The most recent DNC platform violates numerous principles of the Constitution and of subsidiarity, placing citizens at the mercy of edicts from government officials to which they never agreed. 
Today’s newest DNC platform seeks to restructure our US government into despotic draconian control of us, its citizens. 

Elements of the DNC & Biden Platform

  • The idea of MASSIVE INCREASES IN TAXATION (promised by Joe Biden upon his election) to fund all the items shown above in the DNC platform, illustrates a very high level of government control over local communities, akin to communism.  The idea that an American citizen is not free to pursue his own charitable priorities, but must sacrifice major portions of his income to fund the priorities of progressive people in Washington D.C. is dictatorship in gross violation of the Constitution of the United States. 
  • The guarantee of FREE ABORTION FOR ALL PROVISION, to be paid for by all Americans, including those who consider abortion to be murder, is a gross and dictatorial violation of  American freedoms. At least half of America is being forced to participate in murder against their wishes.
  • The SPONSORSHIP OF ABORTION BY GOVERNMENT is a dictatorial contradiction of the Bill of Rights — it engages our government in depriving future unborn citizens of Life before they were even born, ensuring that they never experience Liberty or the Pursuit of Happiness.  If the government can sponsor abortion now, what is to stop them from sponsoring euthanasia of senior citizens tomorrow?  Heaven knows the Democrat platform has changed radically in just the last 4 years!  People like MRS. DUMP TRUMP and myself will soon be on the government execution list. As well as anybody who is declared not sufficiently “woke” at any given moment.
  • In addition to extensive taxation and redistribution of American earnings, the DNC platform also describes the intention to CENSOR ALL INFORMATION OUTLETS that are available to American citizens.  See page 48 of the DNC platform.  We have already seen today that the progressive tech giant computer geeks running You Tube, Facebook and Twitter feel qualified to censor the medical opinions of medical doctors who are engaged in fighting the Covid epidemic. Their censorship is practiced strictly along political lines.  This censorship and manipulation of information and of the news is another hallmark of communism, and a violation of American rights.  
  • Although not specifically mentioned in the DNC platform, Joe Biden has made very clear his wish to decree MANDATORY MASK WEARING throughout the United States on his first day in office if elected.  
    Entire nations (such as Sweden), and numerous doctors (many of whom have been censored by our present tech giants and dishonest media outlets) question the severity of the Covid outbreak, and they debate the best means for reducing the catastrophe our nation suffers due to the release of this virus.  There is much evidence indicating that lockdowns and forced usage of masks is not the best way to go.
    Any unilateral decree by a President requiring all Americans to wear masks would be a clear and dangerous violation of not only American Constitutional rights, but also of common sense.  
    The fact that we can smell while wearing a mask hints at the fact that mask pore sizes do not exclude everything.  Mask pore sizes are typically much larger than 300 nanometers, while coronaviruses are about 100 nanometers, so they can clearly pass through the mask (molecules we smell are about 1 nanometer).  A hospital study has shown that homemade masks tested performed poorly, sometimes demonstrating as little as 1% filtration of viruses and bacteria.
    The compulsory use of masks either represents an attempt to pacify an excessively fearful population, or an attempt to instill fear in a population for the sake of political control (see Alinsky Tactics under Clashes Between Liberals and Conservatives ).  A masked and fearful population huddling in their locked down homes is clearly more prone to accepting “rescue” from even a despotic dictatorial government.  One of the oldest con games in human history involves convincing people they are in danger and offering a “cheap” solution.   
  • The  MASSIVE GREEN DEAL PROPOSAL in the DNC platform, is projected to cost $70 trillion, four times larger than our yearly gross national product.  This is a preposterous proposed expenditure, equivalent to a personal decision ourselves to spend 400% more this year on one item than we earn annually.  It would lead to instant and catastrophic debt and destruction of our economy.  This compulsory policy is particularly shocking when there is much very serious national debate among world class intellectuals over whether man-made global warming and “climate change” are a threat to us at all.  

The Democrat party seems to be poised to exchange our democratic form of government for communism, under which government taxes citizens oppressively, promises to redistribute the wealth equitably, and does everything by force.

Historically, every attempt at socialism has ended in inefficiency, degeneration of services, and autocratic control of the population. Taking away a person’s money for redistribution by someone who claims to be wiser is the greatest killer of motivation to work.  And the autocrats who promise to do this never distribute back much of what they collect to the people.  Most of what is collected is kept by the despots, and only insignificant crumbs (like free Obama-phones) are returned to the people.  Again, ask anyone who has had any contact with Venezuela, North Korea, Communist China, or Soviet Russia (me).  
Ask the Man Who Knew Communism Best, Bishop Fulton Sheen — watch him on You Tube.

Advocating Violence

Democrats are also advocating and approving the use of violence as a tool for change.   They are “CANCELING”  opponents instead of winning with debate, and they are advocating the elimination of police, thus eliminating law and order. This is clearly a recipe for disaster for our nation.

The cancellation of all law enforcement, of all leadership that does not subscribe to progressively defined political correctness, of any black voter who dares to think conservatively, and of our nation’s entire history, is a form of very dishonest political violence that is inexcusable. 

And the violence seems to just have begun, as Democrats threaten more and more.  House Democrats just recently blocked the condemnation of Defund the Police.   Kamala Harris, in her first solo speech as Democratic vice presidential nominee, stared down President Trump and said she stood with the protesters after riots in Kenosha, according to CBS News.  Moreover, evidence has recently surfaced for a Soros-backed coalition preparing to create post-election day chaos.   Is this the America we all want to live in? 

A Double Standard

There is also an amazing double standard where accountability is concerned.
Why are Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and every other high level progressive completely exempt both from prosecution and from “CANCELING”  by US citizens for their misdeeds and collusions with foreign governments?

Why is Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, exempt from canceling due to her very bigoted attitudes towards black Americans, of whom she had written  “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”?

Why is the Democrat Party, historically responsible for supporting slavery in America, exempt from canceling?

Why is Joe Biden, who has been accused of sexual assault, exempt from “Me, Too” accountability, and why has Kamala Harris flip-flopped on her belief of these accusations against Joe Biden?

The REAL Candidate Who Will Actually Be President

The most likely future President & leader of the Democrat party, if Democrats were to win this election, is Kamala Harris.  Harris was the California attorney general who dismissed the case against Planned Parenthood for illegally selling  aborted baby parts and encouraging later and later term abortions in order to generate more lucrative and expensive dead baby parts.

  She then raided the pro-lilfe reporter’s David Daleiden’s  home for exposing Planned Parenthood.  She continued on a legal vendetta to destroy the life of David Daleiden, selectively using California’s video recording laws as a political weapon to silence disfavored speech. David Daleiden became the first journalist ever to be criminally prosecuted under California’s recording law.  Kamala Harris filed 15 felony charges against him, and now, four years later, David Daleiden is still trapped in Kamala Harris’ persecution

This is what Kamala Harris did, as Attorney General, to a young pro-life undercover reporter who unearthed Planned Parenthood’s blood-curdling criminal activities.  She protected the criminals and viciously attacked the whistleblower.  

Kamala Harris is also known to be the most extreme far left Democrat in the Senate.  She executed the most vicious and deceitful attacks both during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, and during her own presidential candidacy, when she attacked now presidential candidate Joe Biden viciously and untruthfully.  Kamala Harris is also inconsistent, flip-flopping at any politically favorable wind.  She  strongly supported Christine Blasey Ford’s fallacious accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, but now dismisses allegations of sexual misconduct towards women by Joe Biden. This “Me too” hypocrisy cannot go unmentioned.  

Like some American founding Presidents who owned slaves, whose statues are being  destroyed and whose history is being cancelled today by Democrats,  Kamala Harris also has ancestors who owned slaves in Jamaica.  Why is Kamala Harris immune from cancelling?

Why do Democrats selectively target white people for shaming and cancelling, when slave ownership in the early days of our nation was also practiced by black people and by Native Americans (American Indians), who owned thousands of slaves? 

Finally, if the Democrats win this election, Nancy Pelosi, who was duped by a hair salon, and is now third in line to the nuclear codes, could advance in her position to first place.  

Bottom Line

Unless Americans are willing to completely dismiss any attachment to democratic government and the Constitution if the United States, in favor of dictatorial socialist promises which have never materialized in the history of the world, the Democrat Party must be defeated in this election.

The Use of Fear

The use of FEAR, the present favored tool of the left,  is not a good tactic to see in one’s leadership. When lies are combined with fear mongering, a population has no access to reality, and is at the mercy of those who control the government and the media.

Current Fear Tactics

The present lockdowns, school closures, masked 5 year olds playing in the streets, and violent BLM activists hijacking and using our black population for their own acknowledged Marxist agenda, are all examples of the fear mongering being used by the left.  This is a long-ago acknowledged tactic of the left— the Alinsky tactics studied by Hillary Clinton and taught by Barack Obama, which emphasize “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” 

It works like this — you identify a crisis, exaggerate it, build it up with lies, panic the population, and now the population is ready for any savior, to whom they are happy to surrender their rights in return for protection, presuming good will in their saviors, and assuming that rights will be restored when the crisis passes.  

The rights are never restored, and there is never any shortage of new crises, to keep the population on shaky ground.  If there is a shortage of crises, you simply create a crisis.  Some accuse the global warming proponents of using this tactic to gain global control of governments.  

In recent decades, we have had global cooling crises and  global warming crises, which have nudged many well- intentioned nations to relinquish rights to globalists and to surrender control over their own destiny.
Now that we have a President who is returning  control of our nation back into the hands of our own people, and is foiling the plans of the globalists, they are finding new and more panicked crises to amplify artificially, to instill fear in the population and try to grasp control.  

These include the Covid pandemic, and the artificially created BLM unrest, which occurs, incidentally, only in Democratically controlled cities where Democrat Mayors tell police to stand down and where Democrat city councils defund and shackle the police.

Aside on the COVID Pandemic and on Global Warming and Climate Change 

More and more globally reputable scientists and statisticians are discrediting man-made global warming and climate change claims, and are discrediting the lockdown handling and exaggeration of the present Covid pandemic. 

Examples of seriously data-driven and intellectual man-made global warming skeptics include Tony Heller, and my husband, Rolf Reitz, who, as Editor of the International Journal of Engine Research co-authored an editorial with 37 globally renowned scientists explaining why the present drive to eliminate gasoline engines from your planet is exaggerated.  Rolf also gave a Princeton University and Georgia Tech-sponsored webinar in which he detailed the scientific arguments supporting skepticism of the man-made global warming alarmism that is rampant today, and is in danger of damaging the indigent populations of the world more than any of us.

There is no shortage of globally reputable scientists who assure us that there is no climate emergency. 
Recently, 500 such scientists , spearheaded by the Amsterdam-based Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) issued the European Climate Declaration, describing the leading climate models as “unfit,” and warning that  “current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy.”

Criticisim of the lockdown and mask handling of the recent COVID pandemic is also surfacing in the scientific world, now that we have seen some data on the pandemic. 
Ivor Cummins (a top health officer and technical leader from Dublin, Ireland) presents the most convincing data and conclusions in a very public-friendly 40 minute seminar which everybody should view before forming any opinions on the further handling of the COVID situation.  It’s called Our Viral Issue-Crucial Update

Basically, Cummins gives incontrovertible  evidence for the uselessness of both masks and of lockdowns in dealing with the COVID situation.  He exposes the erroneous modeling that predicted a pandemic of catastrophic proportions which never materialized.  (Incidentally, the Global Warming alarmism was also generated by erroneous modeling predictions which never materialized, and which today’s climate data are not supporting in the least.)

In the best case scenario, the scientists who try to model and predict nature, either weather or pandemics, with equations and computers are simply incompetent and unable to acknowledge the unreliability of their pathetic predictions.  In the worst case scenario, they are corrupt scientists who intentionally model and predict fallacious “chicken little” “the sky is falling” scenarios, to help their favored unprincipled political faction gain power by promising to rescue the panicked population from impending disaster.
In the case of global warming, the tragically exaggerated and inaccurate modeling was done and was promulgated by Al Gore and his political globalist friends.  In the case of COVID modeling, the modeling was done by people associated with Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who are both financially invested in producing COVID vaccines for global use.    


The extent to which we have all been hoodwinked by a colluding media, a rapidly shifting Democrat Party, and the deep pockets of  billionaire far left activists is only beginning to be apparent.

More and more globally reputable scientists  are exposing the lies that are being taught in our schools and in politically correct indoctrination programs which are all designed to instill fear and shame in our population and to discredit our aystem of government. 

So What Do We Do?

Clearly, whether you lean liberal or conservative, and whether you like President Donald Trump’s politics and policies or not, if you want democracy in the future of our nation, you must vote for President Trump on November 3rd.

Once democracy is preserved on November 3rd, you can advocate and work for any change you like in future elections, under the umbrella  And protection of the U.S.  Constitution.

The only other alternative for us today is the Democrat party platform. This would establish dictatorial rule, draconian control of citizens, lockdowns, California-like power shortages, elimination of most rights now guaranteed by the Constitution,  the alteration of the Constitution by appointed Supreme Court Justices, instead of the preservation of the Constitution by them, and, in short, a government resembling that of Communist China, the Old USSR, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.  Venezuela is the most recent example of socialist destruction of a previously prosperous nation, where promises were made, and promises were not kept.

Not all Americans realize the power and brilliance of the US Constitution, which was designed to shackle the power of government leaders, and to introduce controls that would  limit potential despots.  The writers of the Constitution studied millennia of human history, and chose the best attributes from different forms of government.  They inserted the very Christian values of protecting the rights of the meek and of the poor from the powerful who may want to use and to control them.

Elect, and Super-Elect President Trump

Not only do we have to elect, but we have to super-elect President Trump in the coming election. Due to the acknowledged and enthusiastic use of a Alinsky tactics by the Democrat party, the election of President Trump will have to compensate for all the unprincipled devious tactics the left is planning to use.

The left has recruited most of the media to participate in the lies smearing President Trump, to the point where an assimilation of all the networks and reporters using identical phrases maligning President Trump on a given day has become obvious and even comical.

They are all clearly receiving identical instructions from a central source on a daily basis.  Whether that source is Barack Obama, the head of the “Resistance” in his alternate White House in Washington, or George Soros, or the secret Freemasons who have had a documented agenda since 1850 to destroy the power of religion over nations, and who have claimed credit for steering the Bolshevik Revolution, or whether that centralized source of evil is some other power-monger leftist like the tech giants of Google, Facebook and Twitter, the existence of that centralized command post is now blatantly obvious.
And the lies and manipulations of the left are not limited to the media— they are also now  engaged in escalating amounts of election fraud.

Since we on  the right practice  the voluntary self-restraint if Judeo- Christian Culture, and limit ourselves to what is lawful and constitutional, we must super-elect an over- elect this President.  We must get to the polls even if it means crawling over broken glass, we must advocate and work for this election, we must donate money, more that ever before, and most important of all, we must enlist the most powerful vote in the universe, we must enlist the support of God in this election, through the biggest avalanche of prayer that humanity has ever accomplished.  The Christian roots of our nation are in the balance.

Do the common man and his self evident  God given Rights win, or does totalitarian rule by  Marxists, accountable neither to God, nor to the citizenry, win?

For Everybody

TRUMP ADMINISTRATION (more than 50) MAJOR ACCOMPISHMENTS + 2 Nobel Prize Nominations  

For Catholics 

For those who have signed on to Catholicism as the best available guardian of God’s revelations to humanity over millennia, and the best source of guidance in matters of morality (as I have), there is an overriding moral reason to vote for President Trump. 

President Trump is the most pro-life President we have ever had, and Catholics  know that whether or not we kill our babies is the most pre-eminent moral issue in the 2020 Election. 
The US Bishops have reiterated this fact recently, providing guidance for Catholics.  

‘Abortion is an intrinsic evil, meaning that it is never permitted or morally justified, regardless of individual circumstances or intentions’ 

 A serious Catholic (or any other serious Christian, for that matter) cannot vote for a party that condones abortion, advocates the killing of a baby who survives abortion, advocates the killing of a baby right until the moment of birth, uses public funds to promote abortion at home and abroad, and helps organizations like Planned Parenthood, which engage in the grisly selling of aborted baby parts, as Kamala Harris has done. 

One Catholic priest, Fr. James Altman, has gone as far as to say that no Catholic can vote Democrat in this election.  “You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period.”  Some US Catholic Bishops support him.  Others condemn the “tone” of his message. Evangelical Christians will probably love him, and they have already joined President Trump for his positions on abortion and on the Supreme Court.  

Another Catholic priest has condemned the masking and shutdown tactics pushed by Joe Biden as diabolically inspired and unnatural.  Father Robert Altier, a well known homilist, author, member of the board of Catholic Parents Online, and host of the DVD series Beauty, Truth, Goodness: The fundamentals of Catholicism, the parish priest of St. Raphael’s in Crystal, Minnesota says:

There’s nothing normal about it. It is not normal for human beings to be six feet apart from one another. It’s not normal for human beings to be covering their face when they try and talk to somebody.
It is not normal for us to be locking ourselves in the house for months at a time. It is not normal for us to be acting the way that we are because of what’s going on.
It has nothing to do with God, and it has nothing to do with humanity. Well, that doesn’t leave a whole lot of options then, does it? Where do we think it’s really coming from?
It is evil. Let’s be clear what it is. It is evil.

There is no question in this Catholic’s mind that abortion is the biggest overriding moral evil of the past century and that all decent people are obliged to take no part in it whatsoever, either personally, or as a nation.  In fact, we are obliged to warn our fellow citizens, whom we are obliged to love, against participating in this evil, too.  
I would go beyond just eliminating the use of Federal funds for any abortion-related purpose– I would include unborn babies in with the rest of us, who are guaranteed the right to LIFE.  






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