Syte Reitz

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world…….

Browsing Posts tagged Let Freedom Ring


Just as true today as it was one year ago when written:  

“Freedom from Cowardice” (From “Let Freedom Ring“)

Recently, Facebook suspended my account for 24 hours for sharing a video of a respected doctor who has had success with a treatment for COVID-19. The video that supposedly does not follow Facebook’s community standards had 1.5 million views in one week, and at the time of this writing has not been banned on YouTube.

What’s going on here? Obviously, this is about the ongoing threat of my willingness to speak the truth openly. Such behavior is not allowed by the mob who is clearly in power now. This action by Facebook is an example of the classic chilling effect meant to place fear in anyone who does not stay within the lines of the mob’s agenda. “Chilling effect” is a term in law and communication that describes a situation where speech or conduct is suppressed by fear of penalization at the interests of an individual or group.

The problem right now is that this chilling effect is proving to be remarkably effective. Most people are cowering in fear. Even religious leaders are kowtowing to the mob. Why? Because speaking the truth openly is considered “divisive.” In other words, because those who oppose the Holy Spirit aggressively express their offense of divine revelation (Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition), we must remain silent on these teachings. For the sake of unity, we are expected to silently sit by and allow the normalization of killing babies, the demise of the nuclear family, sodomy, gender dysphoria (grown men sharing a bathroom with little girls), Marxism, etc.

These growing calls for silence, amid the mounting aggression of the mob, have turned an incrementalism of evil into a bum-rush of everything that betrays the will of God.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote, “The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction.”

Jesus did not prescribe this silent acquiescence to evil as a way to avoid division. We are not to kowtow to any chilling effect from the mob. Instead, we must be willing to boldly speak the truth with love, despite the backlash that is sure to come. We were told, “Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:21-22).

There it is — “but whoever endures to the end will be saved.” Therefore, I must ask myself, “What if I get hit by a car today and must stand before the judgment throne of God?” Will I be eternally condemned for speaking truth that might have been divisive or offended people? Or will I be saved because I stood with Christ and His truth, endured in fortitude, and was unafraid to thwart the advancement of evil in our times, regardless of what the consequences were?

What will YOU choose…courage or cowardice? (From “Let Freedom Ring“)

What will YOU choose…courage or cowardice?


What Happens Now?

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What Happens Now?  

The question on many people’s minds, following the tumultuous and unexpected political events of recent weeks, is What Happens Now? 

Speaking for Conservatives    

I am only in a position to speak for conservatives, since any alternative mindset is alien to me at this point.
In a culture which pushes the dismemberment of our infants, alteration of human gender, and an abandonment of all modesty and justice, there is no longer any fixed ground on which a reasonable person can stand.  

We conservatives definitely feel now, that after suffering numerous years of unjust assault from the extreme left, and after an equal number of years on our part of diligent hard work, prayer and sacrifice, trying to steer our culture and our nation back in a healthier and more Godly direction, that an election has just been stolen by unscrupulous players who have been setting up the scam for decades, and who have thwarted the will of the majority of the American people. 

Note: The objections of the left, and their attempts to sue and “cancel” any mention of “stolen” election are quickly defused by the fact that the Supreme Court has just agreed to consider at least 6 cases involving 2020 Election Challenge.  
Anyone interested in the details of the fraud that has occurred can read
the Navarro Report.

From Bad to Worse

To make matters worse, all discussion of the Grand Theft of the 2020 Election has been “cancelled.” Major news networks refuse to discuss the massive election fraud on their programs, and bulldoze their fear-of-litigation policies on any guest who dares to mention election fraud.  Recently even the very conservative NewsMax network tried to demolish Mike Lindell (the “Pillow Guy”), who was “cancelled” by Twitter, and who dared to mention election fraud on NewsMax Television.    

The election was stolen, and the left is emboldened and openly proud of their accomplishment.  

Most recently, TIME magazine has published an article in which the left actually brags about a “conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes” which was orchestrated secretly to steal the election.  Of course, TIME magazine portrays the leftist conspiracy very favorably, as a clever mechanism to save America from a Trump Presidency. 
In actual fact, they have documented very accurately how the an election was stolen from the people of the United States by a group of elitist leftists who felt they knew better what was good for the nation. The ends justify the means in the world of the left.  Conspiracy (their word) to manipulate an election is portrayed as a good thing for the people whose votes were eradicated. 

Glenn Beck voices many of our frustrations with the left“This is one of the most incredibly frustrating things about the Left in America today. The Left insists there is no such thing as absolute truth, while simultaneously insisting there are certain approved truths that are undeniable.”     

Let’s Remember        

We should remind ourselves that as Americans, our political journey has been unpredictable and bumpy —  from our nation’s inception in 1776, through today. 
Righteous Americans have been determined, they have been courageous, and they have placed their trust in God while facing countless obstacles and fighting numerous battles against forces which have challenged democracy, decency, and justice.   

Today, as we face the political assaults of 2021, some of us are tempted to falter, to fear, and to despair. Confidence can waver,  courage can erode, and hope can wither.  
Some fear and even forecast apocalyptic events, forgetting that every generation has faced global challenges, that even successful wars have included defeats in battle, and that the present situation, whether quite routine in the perspective of global history, or whether in fact leading up to some climactic apocalypse, is ultimately in the hands of God.

Coincidental Reading? 

Not surprisingly, the first reading at Mass on the last Friday  of January elegantly addressed this perennial human dilemma which we frequently face when confronted with an evil against which we feel powerless.  Our young priest last Friday also gave an amazing sermon springing off this reading, which the Catholic Church assigns in a 3 year cycle of readings from the Bible during Mass.  Our priest helped put into perspective our never ending struggle and how we can face it with strength and with joy.  

The Reading:  Hebrews 10:32-39

In this reading, Hebrew Christians who were being subjected to much suffering are encouraged: 

Do not throw away your confidence. It will have a great reward.

Remember the days past when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest of suffering. At times you were publicly exposed to abuse and affliction; at other times you associated yourselves with those so treated. You even joined in the sufferings of those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, knowing that you had a better and lasting possession. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence; it will have great recompense. You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what he has promised.

For, after just a brief moment,

 he who is to come shall come;

 he shall not delay.

But my just one shall live by faith,

 and if he draws back I take no pleasure in him.

We are not among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.

What Does This Reading Say?

In this reading, the Hebrew Christians are reminded of their sufferings in the past.

Next, the remedy is outlined, which for those who are not Christian, is counter intuitive:

Associate yourselves with those who are publicly exposed to abuse and affliction.
Join in the sufferings of those in prison.
Joyfully accept the confiscation of your property. 
Know that you have a better and lasting possession. 
Do not throw away your confidence, it will have great recompense. 

Hebrews 10 also includes a promise, quoting the Psalms: 

For, after just a brief moment,
he who is to come shall come; he shall not delay.  

What Does This Have to Do With Today?

 The reading and the homily immediately brought to my mind our political moral struggles and frustrations today, which are very worrisome and threatening to all conservatives, and all religious people, as the emboldened left forces on all of us their immoral agenda.   

The reading provides some guidelines for us on how to act in alarming times, and with whom we should align ourselves. 

What Position Do We Take Regarding President Trump?
Should We Lay Low or Dash to His Defense?

 Those who have read my blog previously, particularly in the early days of President Trump’s election and during his first term, may remember that I was hesitant in my support of Donald Trump, due to his checkered past, particularly his previous support of abortion. 

I wondered whether his campaign promises were genuine, representing a Christian conversion, or whether he was simply lying like many politicians, trying to get my vote. 
My blog articles included graphics with Donald Trump wearing a halo, and/or horns. 
I asked whether Donald Trump could possibly be a courageous convert like St. Paul, a knight on a white horse arriving to the White House to lead us back passionately to Constitutional and Christian values?

The Conversion of “Saint” Donald

Did Donald Trump undergo a passionate conversion to Constitutional and Christian values before running for President?
Now, 5 years after Donald Trump campaigned for President, it has become clear that he most certainly does have a passionate  dedication to our American and religious values. 
President Trump proved over the course of  his Presidency that he was indeed a courageous convert like St. Paul, passionately devoted to Christian values and to the American Constitution which was based on those Christian values.   
President Trump fought for and risked as much for American Christian values as any of our founders, including George Washington. He has been the most pro-Life President in our history, his anti-human trafficking office had incredible impact. Incidentally, billionaire Trump lost  nearly half of his net worth during his Presidency, doing these things for America.  And he’s still not quitting on America.  

AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens, a conservative alternative to AARP) has named President Donald J. Trump AMAC’s 2020 Man of the Year.  AMAC says:

“Not only has Trump succeeded in making America great again by bringing back jobs and restoring the economy, but he also secured peace in the Middle East and guided America through an unprecedented pandemic and turbulent times.  Despite being challenged by the media and the left who sought to destroy his reputation, the President did not waver.  Instead, he stood his ground, and in the face of many storms, proceeded to move forward to uphold principles of goodwill and justice.”

In return for his tireless courage and dedication, he was attacked, maligned and misrepresented by vicious opponents, and betrayed by many in his own party. We will never know whether  those numerous  betrayals were fueled by cowardice and fear of the far left, or whether our system of government is so infiltrated by treasonous agents that there seems to be no end of new betrayals, even now after four years.

Because of the sacrifices President Trump made, the Truth that he spoke, the unjust attacks that he suffered, and the betrayals he bore, President Trump is now in many minds not only a candidate for status among our greatest leaders in history, but also a candidate for sainthood for his defense of Christianity, justice, and defense of Life.  

Because of this I, together with as many as 80 million Americans, view President Trump as a valiant warrior fighting for the restoration of Constitutional and Christian values to America. 

The Contrast

In contrast, President Tump’s replacement in the White House today, Joe Biden, is clearly intent on eradicating Constitutional and Christian values.

35 Nations have declared that there is no international right to abortion, but now there are only 34 —  “Catholic”  Joe Biden has removed the United States from that list.   
The new administration is viciously and desperately doing their utmost to gag, incapacitate and destroy Christians and patriots and to impose on our nation by force the Machiavellian values they hold, under which the powerful elites are entitled to do anything they deem necessary to achieve their own goals, and are in no way limited by the Constitution of the United States or by Judeo-Christian accountability to God and their fellow man. 

To the Left, the only thing that matters is their experimental self-serving narrative, not whether it’s True or good for our nation.

Like the Christian Hebrews

Our situation is very parallel to the dilemma suffered by the Christian Hebrews. 
Today, like the Christian Hebrews, WE (primarily President Trump, and we 80 million Americans) are enduring a great contest of suffering
WE are publicly exposed to abuse and affliction for our Judeo Christian values. 
WE are in danger of imprisonment and or confiscation of our property. (Ask General Mike Flynn.  Ask Parler CEO John Matze. )
Above all, ask President Trump what he has personally been subjected to for the past 5 years.

The Left Is Not Finished

The left is clearly not finished with President Trump yet. 

Following his departure from the White House, contrary to the Constitution, contrary to the judgement of  the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who is refusing to show up, the left is still trying to impeach (remove from office) a President who is no longer in office. 

The left shows no signs of relenting in their persecution of President Trump (or of all conservatives). 
They are “canceling” him by every means available, starting with cutting him off social media like Twitter and Facebook.  Banks are shutting their doors on President Trump.  He is being treated unconstitutionally, being falsely accused, “convicted” without evidence or trial, discriminated against, marginalized, and spied upon. 

And What Do We Do? What Happens Now? 
What Happens Next?

What happens next?
As indicated in the Letter to the Hebrews:

We do not throw away our confidence.  
It will have a great reward.
We are not among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.

We have to stand behind, defend and assist our valiant President Trump. 
(Many of us choke at the idea of addressing Joe Biden, “winner” of the stolen election, as President.)

We do not support any form of violent or illegal insurrection, but we wholeheartedly support a legal, prayerful, constitutional insurrection aimed at restoring the will of the American people to it’s government. 

We believe absolutely that good God-fearing people, with the assistance of God Almighty (as well as the assistance of leftists who periodically shoot themselves in the foot) can prevail.   


How Do We Do This?

We do NOT do what the opposition, what Antifa and BLM do.
We do NOT routinely riot, cheat, or violate the rules of our Constitution or of our God on principle. (The brief Jan 6 riot was an exception, not the rule, and included at least two members of Antifa.)

Again, from Hebrews 10:32-39: 

We associate ourselves with those who are publicly exposed to abuse and affliction.
We join in the sufferings of those in prison.
We joyfully accept the confiscation of our property. 
We know that we have a better and lasting possession. 
We do not throw away our confidence, it will have great recompense


We Associate Ourselves with Those Who are Publicly Exposed to Abuse and Affliction

Yes, we have to associate ourselves with President Trump and defend him. 
And with General Flynn, and anyone else whom the browbeaters of the left have attacked. 
We publicly stand up for our Church, her teachings, and her guidelines.
We stand up for Truth.
We stand up for Life.

What Specifically, Can We Do?

To get ideas on what WE ought to do, let’s look at some great patriots and Christians who stood up for Truth and/or  for President Trump in recent weeks:

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) in the East Room of the White House on Feb. 6, 2020.


Guidelines for Action

Drawing from the above examples of courageous action by others, we should all resolve to participate in the pushback that will bring us victory in the end. 

First of all , ABOVE ALL, pray!
PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY more.

We can also keep ourselves informed.  See the Trustworthy Media news links below. Tune into, or listen to the recorded free Lifesite online conference on Truth about the Great Reset and Vaccines scheduled for Friday, February 19, 2021.
The title is Unmasking COVID-19: Vaccines, Mandates, and Global Health  
We can support conservative media outlets and social media which have not yet been cancelled. Support LifeSite News and Epoch Times.  
We can support all who are being “cancelled” by the left — starting with President Trump. Also Epoch Times, demonetized by You TubeSarah Huchabeee Sanders and other Trump supporters, who are being “cancelled” by ForbesLou Dobbs, and ardent Trump supporter, has been cancelled by Fox News Business, the day after they were sued by Smartmatic, which has been accused of participation in massive election fraud.  
We must be prepared to take risks ourselves.  Even if we get “cancelled” ourselves, there are 80 million others ready to continue the job. We have an endless supply of courageous and righteous patriots.  If we risk nothing now, we deserve whatever we get in the future.  
We can encourage our State legislators to push back on the immoral policies coming out of Washington D.C.
We can pressure our representatives in Washington to uphold a moral agenda — 48 Senators have just promised to oppose any bill that funds abortion.  Let’s reward them, write to praise them, contribute to them, and ask for more restoration of Judeo-Christian values to America.  
We can pray that our more of our religious leaders continue to push for freedom of religion and for Life with their statements, tweets, videos, and homilies. 
We can pray that our religious leaders help to clarify for us faithful the battles that lie ahead, and to encourage us to help in pushing back against immoral administrations.  We desperately need clarification on conflicting messages that are coming from conflicting Bishops and even conflict with the Vatican.  
Boycotting certain tech giants such as Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, and others, is an individual call.  While it is good to take our support and our dollars away from some of these despots, it is also good to use their services, as Bishop Strickland and others do, to spread opposition to the left agenda and to speak Truth.  
We can use social media to our advantage — boldly and unapologetically post our views on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Gab………    Tweet and retweet conservative messages.  


Trustworthy Media

Now that much media has become completely untrustworthy, and some previously reliable sources of conservative viewpoint such as Fox News and News Max have been compromised, we can seek new places in the media where we can find our news.  
Below is list of possibilities to explore.  I cannot vouch for any of them blindly, and some even tend towards sensationalism, but with a prudent and cautious eye, we can get a great deal of useful information from the following: 


Some Media, like FOX NEWS, may not longer be completely reliable.  FOX News Business recently cancelled  Lou Dobbs, an ardent Trump supporter, the day after they were sued by Smartmatic, which has been accused of participation in massive election fraud.  FOX News, as well as NEWSMAX, no longer broadcast anything to do with Election Fraud.  


Trustworthy Social Media

Instead of using Twitter, you can sign up on GAB, and you can follow President Donald Trump on GAB.  Get your news from the horse’s mouth.  Many conservatives purged by Twitter are flocking to GAB.  

President Trump is planning his own reemergence on social media— it is still not clear whether he will join an existing platform, or whether he will create his own platform.  When he decides, JOIN IT and stay informed.  

Use search engines such as SwissCows, rather than Google, which alters the search results that you are given to benefit the left.  Searches made with SwissCows often give different results than searches with Google.  

Examine Carefully All Issues Pushed Fervently by the Left

Keep an open mind about all the issues the left is presently pushing — that would include COVID restrictions and immunizations, climate change, globalism, unlimited and undocumented immigration and other issues. 

Many extremely reputable world leaders, political and religious, believe that serious issues like these are  being hijacked and misrepresented by the left in a way that frightens people and benefits the left politically. 

We have recently all been quite surprised at the depth and extent of the “deep state” in our government, which is motivated not by the well-being of the American people, but by their own political and economic advancement.
Now serious religious leaders like Archbishop Vigano are openly stating that the Catholic Church is infiltrated by globalists.  We cannot dismiss a man who was the Apostolic Nuncio of Pope Benedict to the United States and who has been backed by numerous other respectable leaders (like Arch bishop Burke, Bishop Strickland, Bishop Morlino (who published a letter vouching for his character), Scott Hahn, and others) — we cannot dismiss the claims of such a respected religious leader without investigating his claims.  

We Have To Take Risks

The bottom line is that we must all, each and every one of us, be prepared to take some risks, to support President Trump, and the Constitutional and Christian agenda that he established in order to Make America Great Again. 

If we are not prepared to take risks, we are certain to lose the battle. 

If you wonder why the stealing of the 2020 election was even possible, the mistake many of us made in 2016 was  to think that one man can clean up Washington.  That man is just a figurehead, a representation of what we all want.  We are the army that backs him, and defends him when the enemy has temporarily prevailed against him. 
If we don’t get seriously involved now, we will not only get cancelled permanently ourselves, but our entire nation will get cancelled, democracy will get cancelled, and communism will be installed in its place. 

When people talk about conscience rights, and conscience rights extending beyond the Church parking lot, they usually mean that we are allowed to express our consciences not only in Church, but also in civic life and in politics.  Today, we have to go much further than that — now we have not only conscience rights beyond the Church parking lot, but conscience obligations past the Church parking lot. 

All that we do now, or that we fail to do now will determine the life of future generations, just as our freedoms were earned by patriots and Christians since the establishment of our nation. 

Support President Trump
Risk speaking for, and fighting for the Truth  


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