Obama Shoots Self in Foot — Obama Declares Statue of Liberty to Be Closed
September 30, 2013
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How Mad Is Obama?
He Not Only Takes Away Our Liberty Literally, But Also Figuratively:
Click to read more:
Tomorrow’s Headline: Head of Free World Shuts Down Liberty to Spite His Electorate for Rejecting Socialized Medicine
Doubt Obama realizes either the irony or the material for comedy and ridicule in this latest decision of his to shut down the Statue of Liberty.
The press should have a field day. That is, those who are not his lackies.
How Has Obama Shut Down Liberty in the United States?
Let me count the ways…
- Outlawing Catholicism in the United States, or the HHS Mandate— faithful Catholics already cannot operate adoption agencies, soon will not be able to be employers, pharmacists, doctors, and will not be able to operate hospitals.
- Forcing Americans to buy Health insurance through ObamaCare.
- Forcing the 60% of Americans who oppose federal funding of abortion to fund abortion through their taxes….
See also:
- Obama’s Top Ten Constitutional Violations
- How ObamaCare Threatens to Shred the Constitution
- Impeachment- Necessity or Anachronism?
- Impeachable Offenses