World of Misinformation
We are living, apparently, in a world plagued by misinformation.
Not only is the bulk of our media no longer reliable and spreads falsehoods, but previously reliable authorities such as the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, a Supreme Court Justice, and the US President are now issuing blatant misinformation about life-threatening issues like the COVID pandemic.
Simultaneously, and absurdly, tech giants like Facebook, Google and You Tube are cancelling most attempts by scientists and by rational people to communicate the truth and the real science on COVID.
Reliable Science
For those interested in accessing the TRUTH about COVID-related issues which is now surfacing, as numerous good and ethical doctors are pushing back against our government’s bungled mismanagement of the COVID pandemic, and who are succeeding in finding ways to communicate truth without cancellation, below is a list of links and sources where you can get information that makes sense.
The misinformation (false or out-of-context information that is presented as fact regardless of an intent to deceive) has been so extensive that it seriously suggests disinformation (a type of misinformation that is intentionally false and intended to deceive or mislead). There are numerous political and economic benefits to people in power to spread such disinformation. In fact, many billionaires have been made by government-forced illogical COVID policy during the past two years.
Dr. McCullough is a vocal doctor offering successful outpatient treatments that allow COVID patients to avoid hospitalization and severe illness. Dr. McCullough has a resume that dwarfs that of Dr. Fauci, who has been advocating doing virtually nothing until COVID has become severe.
Treatments and Testimony from Reputable Doctors
The two 1-hour interviews in which Dr. McCullough describes what has happened in medicine and government regarding COVID:
Epoch Times article on Dr. Malone, inventor of the PCR tests, who now opposes vaccine mandates, on the faulty logic of the vaccine mandates
General Good Uncensored News Sources:
The Epoch Times (a New York Times kind of newspaper, which does not censor conservative news). (we had to pay $1 for a 2 month subscription).
LifeSite News – A Catholic website that gives lots of COVID and pro-life info
Some General Useful Information
Bad for inflammations: soybean oil, soybean flour, and most soy products, except those naturally fermented like traditional soy sauce, or soy lecithin in baking , which are OK.
Also all vegetable oils like vegetable oil, safflower, canola, sunflower, etc.
Good for inflammations: Butter, olive oil, beef fat, pork fat, chicken fat,(natural fats without preservatives or BHA), etc.
Good natural teas (all of them used just like regular tea, about 1 teaspoon & pour over 1 cup boiling water, let it sit for a few minutes)
- White Pine Needle tea – good for COVID symptoms, cold & flu symptoms. Reversed the binding of spike protein to human cells in lab experiments
- Rosemary tea – gives 4 hours pain relief, just like Tylenol. (you can use rosemary leaves from the spice and baking section of the supermarket).
- Ginger tea- helps with inflammations (you can use ginger powder from the spice and baking section of the supermarket).