It’s Over, with an Ugly Power Grab
It’s Over, with an Ugly Power Grab
A power grab swept under the rug by the RNC, by FOX, by Rush Limbaugh…
Unable to win by the rules, the RNC estblishment bulldozed a last-minute rule switch at the Convention yesterday:
Ron Paul had accumulated petitions from enough states (6) to be nominated legitimately, which might also have opened the convention to candidates other than just Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. According to RNC rules, Ron Paul would have to be listed as a candidate, and a brokered convention, as previously described in Presumtive Nominee, would have followed.
The RNC establishment, wanting only Mitt Romney and wishing to avoid the brokered convention, drafted a new set of rules which would require petitions from 8 states to nominate a candidate, instead of the previously required 5. This attempt at alteration of the rules after the fact to eliminate an undesired candidate after he has already satisfied the rules of qualification was underhanded, to say the least. But then it got even more ugly.
When it came to the actual vote on the rule change, John Boehner railroaded the vote through dishonestly, announcing that in the opinion of the chair (his opinion) the “ayes have it,” when in fact the sound track of the above video will show clearly that the “ayes” did NOT have it, and Boehner was subsequently booed for the bad call.
What Happened Here?
The Republican Party “establishment” has for decades been drifting towards liberalism through compromise with Democrats. They have not had much objection from conservative voters, who in prosperous times had less objection to expanding government and expanding spending.
Now, in dire economic times, when unemployment is somewhere between 8 and 15% (depending on how and who defines it), when half of college graduates cannot get jobs, and 85% of college graduates move back in with their parents, when the average American has lost $4,019 due to the economy and the average American’s worth has dropped 39%, Americans have become more conservative. Americans see the need to conserve. Numerous movements, including the Tea Party, have placed pressure on Republicans to become more conservative.
The Republican “establishment,” the “old boys,” don’t want to change. Either they think that they know better than the grass roots “regular guy” (you and me, the voter), or they want to protect their privileged positions and benefits. There could even be a chance that the powerful liberal-social-engineering-spenders like Soros, Turner or Gates, might be a bit smarter than we give them credit for. They might have been covering their bets in both parties all along. There may be some puppets in the Republican Party who take orders from elsewhere. Democrats have just used fake “Republicans” in their campaign ads, who’s to say they don’t run fake “Republicans” for office?
So There’s a War Going on Within the Republican Party
So there’s a war going on, and the above video illustrates it.
That was the “floor fight” predicted yesterday.
Boehner’s dishonest handling of the vote on the rule change in the above video, as well as Fox’s Ben Swann’s questions Romney’s truthfulness and tactics, show that the liberal, “establishment” half of Republicans are using some pretty dirty tricks.
They are not the only ones not playing it fair. They now seem to have some of the conservative media in their pockets. FOX News, and even Rush Limbaugh, have stayed away from this story. They are almost a guilty as the liberal media has been, in failure to report important stories and placating those who are powerful.
We’ve Lost this Battle
It’s pretty clear that we’ve lost this battle of the nomination.
The fat lady sings “Yes, it’s over.” The nomination has finally (however undemocratically and dishonestly) been made.
Some of our heroes have fallen; particularly John Boehner.
When the pride of our conservative leaders becomes so inflated that they forget for whom they work, and they try to defy the wishes of their electorate, they become very much like Obama.
The War is Not Over.
“Establishment” Republicans are the product of the prosperous and liberal past, and are gradually being replaced with new more principled conservatives.
Paul Ryan is an example of that shift. So are some of the Governors who spoke at the Convention last night.
Tough new leaders who are willing to implement tough new reforms. Scott Walker got a standing ovation last night.
America’s growing grass-roots conservatism will eventually displace the old Republican “establishment” and the required changes will be made. The angry people in the video above are not going home defeated.
The Next Battle
The next battle will be defined in three stages:
- First, Obama needs to be defeated. We will campaign for, and elect, Mitt Romney (gulp!).
His imperfections are not (yet) as large as Obama’s. - Then, America’s new grass roots conservatives will have to work hard to hold Mitt Romney to his promises, to keep Mitt accountable to the American people, for whom he works.
- Finally, the next Republican Convention will require some rule changes if we don’t want to drift into conservative totalitarian rule in place of Obama’s liberal totalitarian rule.
So Where is God?
I would have preferred a cleaner and fairer fight at the RNC yesterday, with a better outcome. I wish we had an (undivided) Republican establishment which respects and enforces it’s own rules, and I wish we could have had a brokered convention to choose the next Reagan or Lincoln for America. But God’s wisdom, His choices and His intervention are not for us to fathom. We keep faith in God and watch further developments.
We work to defeat the Abortion President, Obama.
A nation which kills it’s own children cannot prosper.
Neither morally, nor economically.
I love how the left and this president talks about inclusion as they advocate the discarding and destruction of over 1 million children every year. Some inclusion. We stand for the truth. We stand for life. We stand for love, and we will win. – Rick Santorum