Dear President Trump…
September 6, 2017
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Dear President Trump,
A Reluctant Trumper
This message comes from somebody who could best have been described before as a very, very reluctant Trumper.
I only voted for you because you supported the Republican platform, which (miraculously) still seems to support Judeo-Christian values, and still opposes abortion.
I worried about whether your devotion to conservative values was genuine.
But in the last 7 months I have become an ardent admirer, enthusiastic supporter, and daily prayer warrior on your behalf.
America Is Split
America is deeply split, split on the definition of morality.
Before you, elections skirted any allusion to the ethical conflict brewing in America .
You have defined it, called it out, and are sparing no effort to secure moral victory for America.
I’m Impressed
I’m impressed by the things people expect to be impressed about— your economic successes, your determination to keep America safe from radial Islamic terrorism, your determination to restore respect for the Constitution of the United States and for law and order.
That in itself should be enough to keep a President popular and successful.
But what has blown my mind and inspired great respect for you is your moral courage.
Moral Courage
- You stuck up for unborn babies, risking losing the election, in your debate with Hillary.
- You managed to appoint the constitutionalist Justice Gorsuch, against historical opposition from the left.
- You have acknowledged God, and asked for prayers more than any President in my memory, including President Reagan.
- Melania had the courage to pray the Our Father publicly when introducing you. (I suspect Melania has a lot to do with your moral courage.)
- You openly acknowledge the fundamental essence of Judeo Christian ethics in the Constitution of our nation, yet you are able to welcome, respect and work with nations and with citizens who do not share our fundamental values.
- Your speeches at Warsaw and at Riyadh spelled these values out clearly, and your actions are consistent with the ideals you described in those speeches. Those speeches were classic, and worthy of recording with the speeches of our other great Presidents and world leaders. I hope my grandchildren will study those speeches in school one day.
- Your success in forming a coalition of Arab nations against ISIS, while affirming Judeo-Christian values, is a testament to those ideals. Jesus Christ was able to show kindness to those who rejected His teachings. That is the major difference between Christianity and radical Islamic terrorism. An ability to love and respect someone who does not agree with you.
- You have remarkable courage.
- Your inauguration speech, your statements calling out both the intolerant right and the violent, ironically fascist Antifa after Charlottesville, and your willingness to stick to campaign promises, show tremendous courage, particularly considering the opposition you have encountered in established Washington politics.
- You were prepared to take on the political establishment, and what’s more, you still show no sign of giving up when the Resistance grew larger than anyone can imagine.
- You have also shown the willingness to change your opinion on an occasional campaign promise— I am no fan of war in Afghanistan, but I defer to you and to the generals, and see that you are sticking to most other promises, so it’s a mark of character to be able to acknowledge that you may have been mistaken in your position on one thing. America should look out primarily for her own citizens, but there are times that isolationism can be denial of the evil that needs to be confronted.
I’m Grateful
I am grateful to you.
You have had the guts to take on a challenge of Biblical proportions.
When praying for you I enlist the help of many Biblical figures — of David who slew Goliath, of Moses, who led the Jewish nation out of Egypt, of St. Paul, who underwent a conversion that can only be described as Biblical, and of Mary, Christ’s Mother, who must see that the battle you are taking on is one that will be personally very punishing on you.
I place you in God’s hands, and pray for you every day.
I pray for your protection, for the protection of your family, and for the Holy Spirit to continue to give you the wisdom and courage to do what you need to do.
A Few Words to My Fellow Citizens, On Both Right and Left.
A few words to my fellow citizens, on both right and left.
It’s impossible to say exactly how many Americans are on the right and on the left.
Since (even before Antifa and before the election) the left has been so punitive towards any expression of conservative thought, conservatives have quit participating in polls. Polls, both before and after the election have become useless in telling us what America thinks and feels. Much of America supports the conservative actions of our President, but is smart enough not to volunteer this opinion to anonymous thugs who telephone our homes prying into our politics.
Based on the results of the last election, trying to correct the results of polls for the silence of conservatives, acknowledging that some tactics on the left have even gone too far for Nancy Pelosi, I estimate that the right and left are split not 50/50 as previous polls and elections have implied, but closer to 67/33, implying the existence of a silent majority.
To the Left
To the left, we remind you that you had 8 years of a President pushing your agenda. Now it’s our turn. Lucky for you, we have a President who seems capable of disagreeing with you without sending the IRS, NSA, FBI, Antifa and every other form of persecution after you.
Under this President, you will be safe in your disagreement, and will just have to suffer compromise. Your biggest problem will be being subjected to hearing views that differ from your own.
To the Right
To the right, we point out an obligation, and it’s a big one.
One man cannot fight half, or a third of the entire country.
Or the bulk of the media.
Or the Washington entrenched establishment, where many politicians on both sides of the aisle seem to have chosen to personally profit from lobbyist funding, rather than to support wishes of the people they represent.
Or the Deep State.
It is the obligation of every person with conservative values to roll up their sleeves and support this President.
We need to pray for him, to argue with the media online, to call and pressure our representatives in Washington, to speak up in support of conservatism and of Judeo-Christian values in our social circles, and to invest some time in protecting the values we want our children to grow up with.
In every generation Americans have had to fight for what they believe in, and we do not live in some magical world where we are immune from responsibility, hard work, or risk taking to defend what we believe in.
To President Trump
To President Trump, I can only hope that you continue to have the courage to stick to your guns in the face of an opposition that you truly never could have anticipated, knowing that God has your back.
Many Americans are praying and have your back.
Please stick to your campaign promises, don’t give in and compromise (the left certainly never has!) and remember the the people who elected you still back you, and will continue to back you with prayers and with votes, as long as you stick to what will Make America Great Again — the restoration of Judeo-Christian values, law and order, and the Constitution of the United States.
Mr. President, PLEASE keep up the tweets, they are the only direct unaltered connection people like me have with our President. They allow us to see who is sane- our President, or the media.
And regarding any possible confusion generated by some of the vaguer tweets you have sent, most of your supporters realize that you have to throw a few red herrings out there in this time of war, and you cerainly cannot telegraph your certain plans to your enemies. Your supporters have to read between the lines, and to have some faith in you. During the last 7 months, this previously nervous supporter of yours has not been disappointed by you. So tweet on, truthful, modern President!
Be assured that you have many supporters, that the polls continue to be wrong, just as they were before the election, because your supporters have learned to keep their plans close to the vest, too, just like you do.
It is downright foolish to proclaim your plans to the enemy in advance.
It is downright foolish to proclaim your plans to the enemy in advance.
I am sure you will see the fruits of your actions in the results of elections to come.
May God bless you and your family, and may God bless America.
Syte Reitz
We Promise to keep you in our prayers!
Psalm 53 (54)A plea for help
I have God for my help. The Lord upholds my life.
O God, save me by your name;
by your power, uphold my cause.
O God, hear my prayer;
listen to the words of my mouth.
For proud men have risen against me,
ruthless men seek my life.
They have no regard for God.
But I have God for my help.
The Lord upholds my life.
I will sacrifice to you with willing heart
and praise your name for it is good:
for you have rescued me from all my distress
and my eyes have seen the downfall of my foes.
Glory to the Father and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be for ever. Amen.
I have God for my help. The Lord upholds my life.
HymnLord God and Maker of all things,
Creation is upheld by you.
While all must change and know decay,
You are unchanging, always new.
You are man’s solace and his shield,
His Rock secure on which to build.
You are the spirit’s tranquil home,
In you alone is hope fulfilled.
To God the Father and the Son
And Holy Spirit render praise:
Blest Trinity, from age to age
The strength of all our living days.
-Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal
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