COVID Hell Was Avoidable

Highest COVID Death Toll 

The United States has the highest reported COVID death toll of any country.
The U.S. accounts for only 4% of the world’s population but we suffered about 15% of the 5.3 million known global COVID deaths in the last two years (AP, Yahoo News).
This means we suffered a 400% higher death toll from COVID compared with the rest of the world.  

What Happened?

What Happened?
One of the best educated, wealthiest nations of earth allowed four times more people to die than everybody else.  Instead of 800,000 fatalities, we could have had 200,000 fatalities .
600,000 people died needlessly. 
There is no avoiding the obvious conclusion.
We blew it.

How Did We Blow It? 

How Did We Blow It? 
Was it incompetence or was malfeasance involved?

WHO Advisor Shows That It Could Have Been Avoided

Evidence provided by an Advisor to the World Health Organization shows that the COVID epidemic could have been nipped in the bud, but powerful players interfered with the efforts of ethical physicians. 

In October 2020 Dr. Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organization on dozens of studies from around the world evaluating Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.  

Dr. Hill talked to two American physicians, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory, and British scientist Dr. Tess Lawrie about the exciting data they were witnessing.  

Then something happened…

An amazing 18 minute story from a very courageous and ethical woman, Dr. Tess Lawrie, who is now begging Dr. Andrew Hill to reveal those involved in the malfeasance:



Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD) is the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and CEO of EbMCsquared CiC, an independent, not for profit, health-focused think tank based in the United Kingdom. She is also the founder of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development initiative (now called BiRD International) and a co-founder of World Council for Health. 

Let’s all pray that Andrew Hill comes forward to reveal who has been responsible for the 600,000 excess US deaths and for the two years of COVID hell we have all lived through globally.  
If we don’t identify the players, their agenda, which has just begun, will continue.  

Only GOD can stop people like this. 


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