Akin and the Media’s Double Standard:
Todd Akin
(Post Script added below on 8-24-12)
-Double Standard on criticizing conservatives but not liberals
-Double Standard on defining “choice” as only one choice
-Double Standard on defining women’s rights and women’s opinions
What a double standard exercised by the mainstream press!
Criticising Conservatives But Not Liberals
Yet Rep. Todd Akin, not even a medical expert, is being attacked for believing that the violent nature of rape might prevent conception, a concept suggested by medical doctors online! Duh, maybe the stress of a rape might affect the outcome; after all, stress is one of the leading causes of infertility in 2012. People, including members of his own party, are demanding that Akin drop out of the Missouri Senate race as a result of stating this medical opinion.
Liberals are just looking for any dirty tactic to knock out contenders for Senate seats. Why don’t they clean up their own act first? And why are Republicans so quick to join in and go on the defensive?
True Pro-Choice
True choice would let a woman be rewarded equally for choosing life. If the government doesn’t contribute towards raising children, why should it contribute towards destroying them?
Women’s Rights and Women’s Votes
The squeaky wheel minority who just doesn't get the point.
Liberals might also stop claiming women’s votes and fabricating the non-existant “War on Women.” It is unwarranted to imply that Democrats represent women’s interests better than Republicans do. Actually, conservatism outweighs liberalism in both genders – Gallup poll. More than half of all women are conservatives, yet the liberals lie, and claim to represent their interests. Liberals claim that conservatives, the group favored by both women and men, is declaring a war on women. How can anybody take them seriously?
Moreover, 2/3 of America (including women) opposes federal funding of abortion, yet liberals ignore that.
Republicans should focus on how liberals LIE, and how they are ANTIi-democracy and ANTI-choice, rather than rushing to cooperate with liberals in picking off conservatives one by one for errors that they make.
What Women Want- Media and Liberals Have it Wrong
Most women love and want their babies, and don’t appreciate the suggestion that their baby is a burden which should be painfully dismembered and discarded. 64% of women who have abortions were coerced, pressured by others into abortion. Abortion is the unfair choice.
Liberals brag about providing free $7 birth control pills through ObamaCare mandates, but do nothing to strengthen the family, or to help women keep their babies, which is the BEST way to raise good future citizens. Providing pills thorugh ObamaCare is simply a cheap trick for buying votes, which insults women by presuming their ignorance.
The REAL War on Women
Obama mandating what's good for women
The REAL War on Women is being waged by the Obama Administration and it is waged on a woman’s intelligence. Obama offers to buy women’s votes, an intellectual prostitution of sorts, and implies that women are so stupid that they will get on board : “You are so stupid that I can purchase your vote for $7 worth of birth control pills per month, and you will not notice that you still have to pay for your own aspirin, food, rent, and everything else. For $84 per year, I get your vote, and you foolishly believe that I have your bests interests at heart.”
Republicans Should Spend Less Time Reacting to Democrat (Alinsky) Attacks, and Spend More Time Attacking the Dissolute and Illogical Morality and Bad Policies of the Obama Adminsitration
Post Script:
Republicans Abandoning their Wounded
Today (8-24-12) a CNS News article by Patrick J. Buchanan, A Grand Old Party in Panic, discusses “the great failing of American conservatives is they do not retrieve their wounded.” Apparently, the Family Research Council also came to the defense of Todd Akin.
In addition to the above CNS speculations on whether the GOP is dumping their wounded because they are nervous about the popularity of their social and moral positions, I will suggest that recent in-fighting in the Republican Party may also influence the willingness of some “moderate” Republicans to discard their more staunchly conservative colleagues. See The Presumptive Nominee, or The Secret Insurrection.
Medical Malpractice
Yesterday (8-23-12) a FOX opinion, written by psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow, blasted Todd Akin, putting words in his mouth, or rather, attributing thoughts to him, and then proceeded to psychoanalyze him in a most unflattering and unjustified way. Dr. Ablow actually suggested that Todd Akin believes that “women consciously or unconsciously wanted to be fertilized by the men they are identifying as their rapists.”
Ablow’s analysis was based on projection and supposition, and not on what Todd Akin had actually said.
Dr. Ablow should lose his medical license over such unprofessional meddling in politics if he does not publish an apology and a retraction.
In actual fact, Todd Akins’ reasoning may have been quite simple: stress is well known to be one of the major causes of infertility. Rape clearly produces a phenomenal level of stress. An online doctor at Christian Life Resources claims that rape rarely produces pregnancy, and analyzes the scientific reasons why this might be true. Whether this analysis is correct or not, Todd Akin cannot be blamed for believing it, or some similar scientific analysis. Maybe the level of stress and terror in a rape could prevent conception; nobody has the data to indicate either way.
A Double Standard in Defining Rape
Finally, Todd Akin’s use of the word “legitimate” rape distinguishes the rape from a statutory rape, in which, for example, a 17-year-old woman could have willingly participated, yet is legally labeled a rape. Our culture cannot simultaneously allow Planned Parenthood to hand out condoms to 12-year-olds with instructions on their use, then lynch any man who slept with a 17-year-old. What about her 18-year-old boyfriend who has been sleeping with her for 5 years, but now he is 18 and she is 17, and suddenly it’s statutory rape? What about casual college “hook-ups,” in which the 17-year-old freshman (freshwoman) lies about her age?
The term “legitimate” rape also distinguishes rapes from false accusations, which are a possibility in the real world.
This is the United States of America, and no woman should have the power to destroy the career and life of any man of her choice by simply accusing him of rape.
If men are guilty until proven innocent, our democracy and our Constitution are a farce.
Women are not guilty until proven innocent, at least not yet.